Monica Lewinsky Announces for Senate

Los Angeles (AP) July 9, 1999 - In a startling announcement today, Monica Lewinsky announced that she is prepared to file for the Senate seat in New York State. Surrounded by her family and William Ginsburg, attorney turned political consultant, she read a statement confirming the formation of a committee for her election. In the statement she said that she could help New Yorkers achieve their fondest dreams.

"I've always wanted to help the helpless, to succor those in difficulty, and to pass universal health care legislation," she said.
Responding to a question concerning the announcement in Los Angeles rather than in New York, Mr. Ginsburg said that Ms. Lewinsky had rented an apartment in The South Bronx and would be moving there in the near future.
"There are a number of security issues that have to be worked out before Ms. Lewinsky can relocate," he said. "The Secret Service is looking in to these matters for us".
Ms. Lewinsky didn't take any more questions from reporters but her mother, Marcia Lewis, fielded them for her.
"We have always been a Democratic family and as a group and individually have put out for the party. Now, we want to formally lead it in to the 21st century," she gushed.
Mr. Ginsburg stated that a number of Democratic Party officials in New York had sent feelers to Ms. Lewinsky about her plans for the future and suggested that New York was the place for a political career. He mentioned her name recognition, close ties to important government officials, and a keen appreciation of foreign and domestic affairs as being her strong points. He downplayed the impeachment of President Clinton and Ms. Lewinsky's role in it by saying,
"The nation has put all that behind us. It never was very important anyway but was blown all out of proportion by the Conservative Right Wing Conspiracy. We have to move forward with vigor".
When pressed on the names of the officials, Mr. Ginsburg mentioned Jimmy Breslin and Norman Mailer as early supporters and that there were plans to meet with Al Sharpton in the near future.
"The oppression of blacks has always been a sore point with Monica and now that there is a police state in New York City, somone has to come quickly to help them," he said. "We don't just support minorities but are open to all the people. We would like to talk to Cardinal O'Connor about the plight of the Irish and Italians in the coming months".
Ms. Lewinsky wore a pale blue pants suit girded with a black belt. A matching blouse in slightly lighter blue and sensible black shoes completed her ensemble. The pants had stitched-down pleats and elasticized waist for smooth fit. She appeared to have lost some weight since earlier in the year and her mother confided that she has been working out with a personal trainer. Mr. Ginsburg let slip that she had also completed the Great Books course by mail and that it had given her a firm grasp on the important intellectual concerns facing the nation such as youth smoking, global warming, early childhood education, commuting on the 405, and nuclear annihilation.
Mr. Ginsburg ended the meeting telling the throng that there would be a full press conference in New York after Ms. Lewinsky was settled in the South Bronx and had met with Democratic and Liberal Party leaders. He also said that Ms. Lewinsky would be meeting with student leaders at City University of New York to discuss tuition hikes and gouging for textbooks. The students have been boycotting classes for the last two quarter.