President Clinton on Monica Lewinsky

Washington, D.C. (WEB Wire Service) July 12, 1999 - A dour President Clinton started his press conference today with an update on the massacre of Serbian Kosovars at the hands of the KLA. Eight thousand new graves were found in Pristina alone and all TV sets were now in the hands of the ethnic Albanians. Although President Clinton called this 'payback time', the press was more interested in the annoucement of Monica Lewinsky that she was running as a Democrat for the Senate seat in New York.The questions came fast and were very pointed.

"What do you think of Ms. Lewinsky running against your wife"?

"In a free society, people can do what they want. Well, within reason. Like smoking. Well that's different. Or attending the school of your choice. Or well, you know what I mean... anything that the government has not proscribed for your own good".

"Would you support Ms. Lewinsky if she succeeds in New York"?

"When the people have spoken, who can reject them", was his response. "But it's premature to speculate on that. What Democrats have to do is unite behind the winner and... by the way, notice both are women... I like that and always have".

"On the Sunday cable shows, James Carville described the Lewinsky run as a debt owed to Ken Starr and that Starr was orchestrating the whole thing. He even suggested an affair had developed when Starr was interrogating Ms. Lewinsky. What about that"?

"As you know, I just know Mr. Carville and his Republican wife socially and know nothing of his investigations in to the scurrilous behavior of Ken Starr. But after what he tried to do to me, I wouldn't put it past him".

"Mrs. Clinton is looking at a 3 million dollar home in Westchester county as a possible purchase. Where did she get that kind of money"?

"Well, she the smartest woman in America. She got me didn't she...ha ha ha. You'll have to ask her about that. I'm working harder than I've ever worked doing the people's business and I don't have time to care about money. I'll probably leave office poorer than when I came in. Why just the other day someone commented that I had an Adlai Stevenson shoe on. You know... it had a hole in the sole. I hadn't even noticed I've been so busy. What with Medicare, Social Security, and solving international problems, I hardly have time to make lists of porn sites on the internet for the V-chip guys".

"One last question, Mr. President. Given your fabulous victory in Kosovo freeing the ethnic Albanians from a repressive regime and the buildup of Chinese nuclear delivery vehicles using our technology, wouldn't it be advisable to threaten a preemptive nuclear attack on China in order to stop the ethnic cleansing and free Tibet from bondage before it's too late"?

"Say what"?