Vicente Fox in Mexico City

Mexico City (WEB Wire Service) May 5, 2006 - Impeccably tailored in a white suit, President Vicente Fox held a news conference today at the Palacio Nacional.

"Today we remember the blood spilled at Puebla in 1862, one hundred and forty-four years ago. Mexico has endured much since then but we are unbowed and look to the future with our heads held high. In order to commemorate this event I have rewritten the first stanza of the National Anthem"!
A moment of silence overcame the audience as President Fox took a single sheet of paper from his pocket and cleared his throat.
"I will now read the old stanza in Spanish with an English translation for the gringos, he said".
Mexicanos, al grito de guerra ..... Mexicans, at the cry of battle
El acero aprestad y el bridón ..... prepare your sword and bridle
y retiemble en sus centros la tierra ..... and let the earth tremble at its center
Al sonoro rugir del cañón. ..... at the roar of the canon.

The vast throng, estimated to be over 100,000, cheered and waved Mexican flags that were recently shipped from the United States where they were no longer needed at rallies.

"By Presidential decree, I modify the National Anthem to have the following first stanza, he said".
Mexicanos, al grito de moneda ..... Mexicans, at the cry of money
Zapatos aprestad y petates ..... prepare your shoes and goods
y retiemble en los angeles la tierra ..... and let the earth tremble in Los Angeles
Al rugido sonoro de pies. ..... at the loud roar of feet.

As if with one voice, the crowd cheered its new stanza and President Fox. It was later reported that the bus station was besieged by a throng trying to buy tickets to border cities. The police were trading American flags for the Mexican as those lucky enough to get tickets boarded buses.