Senator Barbara Boxer (D. CA) ranted against
the nomination of John Ashcroft as Attorney General of the United States.
Boxer wrote President elect George W. Bush to urge him to withdraw the
nomination of John Ashcroft for Attorney General. Boxer advised the President
elect that if he did not reconsider the nomination, she would oppose it.
The amazing thing about this statement is the voting record on nominations in the 106th Congress (both sessions). The Table below shows the votes of Boxer and Ashcroft.
Of the 24 people voted on by the 106th Congress who needed approval of the Senate, 19 were affirmed by both Ashcroft and Boxer. That's 79% of the total. Hence, we have Boxer agreeing with Ashcroft nomination votes and then saying that he is "far outside the mainstream of our nation." Where does this put Senator Boxer? An analysis of the votes on which they disagreed is also interesting. Judge Richard Paez and Marsh Berzon were both confirmed despite a negative vote by then Senator Ashcroft. Senator Boxer voted for both. But Senator Ashcroft was not alone in his objection to these two judges being joined by 38 others against Paez and 33 others against Berzon. In the case of Judge White, he was rejected by the Senate by a vote of 54 to 45 with Senator Ashcroft voting with the majority. In this case, Senator Boxer could be considered "not in the mainstream". The vote on Judge Stewart as a US District Judge was approved 93 to 5 with Senator Ashcroft voting with the majority and Senator Boxer with only 4 other senators. Senator Boxer will say anything and make any accusation against John Ashcroft even though she agreed with him on nominees 79% of the time. Senator Boxer is obsessed with keeping activist judges on the bench so that they can negate the will of the people as expressed by votes of their representatives and by the initiative process in the state of California. Only then can her liberal ideology be forced on the citizen. |