Some things are lost in translation. In French, sang-froid literally means cold blood. But the simple elegance of the true meaning of sang-froid is destroyed in it's literal translation. Sang-froid means far more than cold blood. To the French it means to debate and deliberate, to work through even the smallest of details before deciding on a course of action.
We have found over the years that when we act in haste, we do indeed repent at leisure, and so chose this name to remind ourselves to take the time and make the effort to be sure that all the angles are in fact covered.
Through research and experience, we have found several bloodlines that work well for us. To that end we are actively blending and refining those bloods through our highly bitch based yard.
Our prefered boodlines consist of Bolio, Maloney, Carver, Corvino, and Eli. Knowing the value of a good cross bloodline, we also utilize the highly successful Jeep and Red Boy/Jocko bloods, as well as Chinaman, and several other judicious outcrosses.
Kold Blood Kennels will not knowingly violate the Animal Welfare Act of 1976.
No dogs or puppies will be sold intended for illegal purposes.
All articles are either fictional accounts, or of historic interest. No attempt has been made to verify the truthfulness of any article on this site.