
Dan's Web Page



So after leaving the site for a while, I finally came back to it with new and exciting ideas. I still have my windsurfing pictures (So I can try to remember what those summer days were like). I wanted to make a change to to keep the site interesting. Its always nice to look at something different. I don't have much time to make changes, but I could do a little bit at a time.
I received a web cam for Christrmas. I have tried using it on Net Meeting and VDOPhone. Then I tried to use the cam on my site using ISpy Software. Right now I have a still uploaded every ten minutes when I am online. The time in green on the bottom of the picture is Eastern Standard Time. I haven't figured out how to upload a series yet, but I am looking into it. I should be able to upload a series and have it loop continuously until a more current series is uploaded. The best part about the software uploads automatically. When I am online, it will snap a shot and upload it as often as I set it to.

I hope this site facinates you; entertains you; and even makes you laugh.


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