Mid-Atlantic Rally 1999

Held 1-3 October 1999 at Pearl's Pond in Virginia

Pictures from the event

A view of the camp site - Saturday morning
Another view of the camp site on Saturday
Spenny driving Dave's rover
More tents and Land Rovers
Our neighborhood in the camp site
The corgis in our tent
A nice downhill view on the trail
A view of the climb up the other side
Another view along the trail
Dave charges through the mud
John makes the turn through the mud
Me stuck at the bottom waiting for a pull
The recovery team in action
Dave starts pulling me up
Out of the mud and halfway up the hill
Rovers play on the RTV trials course
The course marshals keep score
Idle Rovers resting
All kinds of rovers on the course
Dinner time on Saturday
The band prepares to play
A misty Sunday morning
Another view of the campsite
A nice calm misty morning
Sun starts to break through
Our part on the campsite
Waking up with coffee
Preparing for another day
Packing and planning
Sun shines on the rovers and tents
Defender 110, #380 of 500
The sloooooow race
Forward Control 109"
The line for Sunday Brunch
Rovers wearing some mud
A Zebra or slow British truck?
Back on the trail
Pete waits for John to climb the hill
A view from the top
Bob found a bit of mud
Stuck in the mud
Bob getting winched out
Back in the mud
Through to the other side
John makes a splash
Pete buries the right front wheel
Trying to winch forward
Bob heading back
Hooking up for another recovery
My rover back on asphalt
The 2.5 covered in mud
Both of us wearing Virginia mud

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