ANARC Event at Greek Peak
Event held July 31 - Aug 2, 1998 in Cortland, NY
Pictures from the event
Me sitting on top of my LR
Here I am enjoying a beer and the view
My 109 hybrid coiler amongst the lineup
Bill off-road in his 2A/109"/Diesel
Bill removes his defective water pump
Bill's 2.25 diesel sans water pump
DaveB painting the new pump
Bill back in action
Defender 110: Nr 9 of 500
Another 110
East Coast Rover's work on display
LR Lineup
Another LR Lineup
And Another LR Lineup
And Another LR Lineup
And Another LR Lineup
And Another LR Lineup
And Another LR Lineup
And Another LR Lineup
And Another LR Lineup
Group stops on the trail
John and Bill among the group
View at Greek Peak
Another view
Herb with his decked out 109
John's Series 3 off-road
Another of John's 88"
Jump starting
Sharing battery juice or a mind meld
101 Forward Control
Pair of 101s
Pair of 101s up for sale
Choose right or left hand drive
101 ready to roll
Series 1 107?
Series 2a found some mud
A pair line-up
Series 3 on the trail
Tidy Light Weight
Light Weight goes topless
A pair of Defender 90s
Defender 90 back from the mud
Quinton in his Series 1
Quinton readies for off road
Range Rover for Sale
Party in the Range Rover
A D90 outfitted in Safari Gard accessories
Safari Gard on display
TeriAnn's Green Rover
Land Rovers on the trail
Deciding which way to turn
Series 2a on the trail
Perfect weather for the event
Making new trails
Scouting the options
D90 challenges the an obstacle
D90 ready for help
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