Job Target A position in the field of Management and Administration that allows me to use my management, counseling, teaching, computing and communication skills.
Provide administrative and technical functions
Create, review and revise reports on planning activities and training documents
Collect, integrate and analyze data
Facilitate and organize peer group and committee          
Use a variety of software and hardware
Communicates effectively in both oral and written
Administered the operations of an office, likewise, carrying out technical functions such as: correcting errors found in documents, handling calls, taking pictures, adding aesthetic correspondence, photo copying, fax machines and other office machines.
Facilitated the implementation of office regulations for productivity, co-authored amendments and recommendations for improved and effective house rules.
Functional summary
Coordinated with the Student Council?s Committee in scheduling of "exposures" in the following areas: Urban Poor, Picket Line, Prostituted Women, Street Children, Ethnic Groups and Farmers and Fisher Folks. Worked with the Special Children and Small Christian Communities in rural and urban areas.
Delivered an efficient assistance program for the foreign religious students in writing reports; provided tutorial for a school publication in type-setting and page lay-outing.
June 1999	System Technology Institute	Caloocan City
Language InstructorHandles 10 classes of an average of 30 students per class. Teaches English Grammar,
Speech and Oral Communications, and Effective Writing. Facilitates and gives advises to
Students, moral and spiritual.
October 1998	            Siena College Quezon City	                     Quezon City
English TeacherTeaches 6 classes of an average of 40 students per class. Co-mentored the campus glee
club, advises one class section and help students use Microsoft Office effectively
Teaching: Poetry and Play Writing, Public Speaking, Play Production and Directing;
Tutoring, Conducting seminars/ training;
Counseling, Interviewing, Personal Directing, Peer group advising and counseling;
Desktop Publishing: (Editor of School Publication for three terms)
Computer Aided - Software Based :Adobe/ Aldus PageMaker (latest version), Photoshop, Art and Design: Paint, Imaging, Print Artist, Print Shop Deluxe,  Harvard  Publisher, Microsoft Publisher; Photo Editor, Corel Draw;
Business Correspondence: (Advertising: visual and audio concepts)
Proficient in operating the following Word Processor Software: Notepad, Word   Pad, Microsoft Word, Word Perfect (old and new versions);
Internet Browser: Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator;
E-mail: Eudora, Microsoft Outlook, Web-based Hot Mail;
Others: Knowledge in: Microsoft Exchange, Network; Lotus FreeLance Graphics, Microsoft Office: PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Binder; FrontPage Express;
Operating System: DOS, Window 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows 98;
Journalism: News Writing and Reporting, Editing, Proofreading;
Handling Telephone, Driving, Repairing ? knowledge in Basic Electronics
1997 - 1998       Institute of Formation and Religious Studies         Quezon City, Philippines
Masters Degree units: Theology and ScripturesUnits Earned: 33
Service Award Recipient
Student Council: International Students and Foreign Relations Committee Member
Magazine Editor ?98
1992 - 1996	University of San Carlos	                              Cebu City, Philippines
Bachelor of Arts in EnglishDean' List, March '95
Associate Editor:
Today?s Carolinian (Student Publication) ?96
English Majors Association Member ?94 ? ?96 &: Theatre Guild Student Director '9
1988 - 1992  Dr. Vicente. F. Gustilo Memorial National High School 	Cadiz City, Philippines
Secondary EducationBelonged to the class? top ten
Merits and awards: both in academics and co-curricular activitie
1981 - 1988	Northern Negros Private School              	Cadiz City, Philippines
Primary and Elementary EducationValedictorian: English Course
Salutatorian: Chinese Cours
Sales Representative/ Solutions and Product Consultant: Quest Technologies, Inc., Imperial Street, Quezon City  August ?98 ? October ?9
Promoted, sold and presented Company products to Small Offices and Home Offices and in a major Internet Services and Solutions Provider ConferenceMedical Institution Associate Chaplain: Philippine Heart Center, East Avenue,    Quezon City   March ?98 ? June ?9
Administered the spiritual needs of patients and their relatives e.g. counseling, clerical duty, Monitored in and out patients, Reported to a SupervisorAssociate Community Worker: Our Lady of Remedies Parish Church,, Malate,  Manila  August ?97 ? February ?9
Organized , coordinated and maintained with small Christian communities Student Missionary: Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Church, San Miguel, Zamboanga del Sur   November ?96 ? March ?97 (includes other locations in Mindanao
Stood as delegate from the Missionary Society of St. Columban, joined the local prayer groups.
ENGLISH, SIGN LANGUAGE, FILIPINO Languages: Tagalog; Hiligaynon; Cebuano
Date of Birth:          January 21, 1975              Place of Birth:    Cadiz City, Negros Occidental
Personal Information
Civil Status:            Single                                Religious Orientation:     Roman Catholic
Nationality :            Filipino                             Nick  Name:       Wingwing           
Swimming, Reading, Writing, Computing, Musical Instruments Playing, Collecting and Sorting items, etc.
Interests/ Hobbies
Land and Transportation Office.    Department of Transportation and Communication. Drivers? License No. NO1 ? 98 ? 222533         Expiry Date: 2001 January 21
Drivers? License
Character Reference Available