Hello...  These are a few pictures of my totaled 92 extended cab.  This truck was supposed to be lifted, locked and ready to roll two weeks later.  The accident happened May 11, 1998.  Mothers Day.  In Clinton MS on Intersate 20 i got hit head on by a drunk driver, i had been traveling in the right lane, changed to the left to pass a semi, and as we crested a hill there was a car in my lane, he had gone up the offramp into oncoming traffic and made it over a mile before we met on the crest of a hill.  I had my cruise set at 81mph (3500rpm) and when I saw his vehicle I hit my brakes to slow and get back to the right lane, I skidded 74.9ft and wasn't able to change lanes.

     I suffered a shattered L1 vertibra, and a spinal cord injury.  I am getting stronger day by day,  and am doing better overall, less pain and more movement, to the point where i am almost content with my progress, i stii have a limited walking distance and problems with my balance, so i am still walking on a cane, trying to get rid of it though, i'd love to have mt left hand free to carry things again., not to mention full use of my feet would be good for walking trails!!!

    The other vehicle involved was a 91 MR2, the driver had been in a confrontation with his boyfriend (you read it right) that night and had a BAC 4 times the legal limit.  He was un-insured, and living in a motel at the time, he died in the collision, the state Patrol estimated his speed to be at least 80 mph.
These are the pictures of the remains of his 91 MR2, i still can't figure how someone was so stupid to have gotten on the freeway going the wrong way....  But being that he was involved in a "lovers spat" and drunk, naaa still can't figure it out..