Burley man - 10/13/99 03:14:59 My Email:Jrclkeller@journey.com | Comments: great web site. when are you biking to Alaska? |
Aric Oberle - 10/07/99 12:30:58 My Email:doberle@lcc.net | Comments: Keith, Haven't heard from you in a while! My ICQ is 19917490, add me to your list and I'll keep my eye open for ya! Chat w/you soon....your cuz Aric (Very nice web site) |
- 08/08/99 14:45:55 | Comments: |
Marcie - 07/30/99 04:44:44 | Comments: Finally figured out how to get hold of you here again... lost your url for the longest time. Page looks good... keep it up... Catch ya later... SP |
CrashnBurn - 04/17/99 08:20:56 | Comments: Michigan and Canada look like a great places to ride. Keep your wheels spinning and your camera clicking. ----- CrashnBurn |
Biff - 04/01/99 01:50:19 | Comments: You and I need to get together and rides some of those trails! Would love to hop on my bike right now. Why don't you have more pics of you riding? |
Steve Oberle - 03/27/99 19:21:01 | Comments: Looks great! See you this weekend. |
SIL Beth - 03/11/99 13:57:53 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/BerthasBabies/welcome.html My Email:baosjo@inil.com | Comments: Keith it's been awhile since I looked at you page. It is really great! I loved the Fathers Day and Aniversary pages. Can I link it from our page????Also add me to you icq (#17477278) |
Wild Ride - 02/05/99 02:12:08 My Email:Me@aolsucks | Comments: Love the cool ride photos! |