Ok so you own a Jeep,
you have bounced it up and down the curb
a few times, driven it across a muddy lay by just looking to see what it will do compared
to your old family saloon, but without looking into where you can and can't drive you
could end up paying damages to land owners and getting points on your license SO look for
your nearest Off Road Club and do it above board and you will have way more fun,
Alternatively become a member of GLASS (the "Green Lane Association") Click
for more details...

Are you happy paying
90p per liter of fuel ? For
more info on the Boycott on petrol-for-a-day check out the boycott the pumps site. |
Click Here and Electronically sign a petition form against High petrol prices it will be presented to Tony Blair on 1st August.
IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ !! Do you enjoy Green Laning
, This might not be possible soon, We
need your help. You may already know that the Government are deciding to change the access
rights to BOATS ( Byways Open to All Traffic ). |
This means we will
not be able to drive down these lanes.
Help us by reading this letter, printing it of and sending it to your local MP before the
final decision is made. Click
here for more info
. |
Every one knows the best place to find out
ANYTHING about your Jeep is to search the Information Boards. I have set up this
Board for all Jeep enthusiasts to post Questions, Hints Tips Want Ads and Sales
Information. The Information Board

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