This Jeep Is Sold.
This is Bryan's 1993 Jeep Wrangler. It is always under construction. It currently has the following modifications: 2.5L 4cyl with Rimmer Engineering Supercharger Kit
, Rubicon Express Spring Over Kit and Hand Throttle, 3/4 eliptical setup in rear, 1.5" shackle lift, 3" body lift, Currie Enterprises Ford 9" rear axle, stock front axle, ARB Air Lockers both ends bought from Leon Rosser Jeep-Eagle, 4.56:1 gears, ARB Bullbar, ARB Safari Snorkel, All vent lines from axles, transmission, and transfer case extended to top of Jeep, Warn Xd9000i, Custom rear bumper with swing away tire carrier and Highlift Jack mounted on it, Trail rack with Jerry cans, Eagle View GPS, Radio Shack CB, Tilt Gauge, Camp Lights, Rock Lights, KC Daylighters, Custom air attachment on front bumper to be able to air up all tires at once and watch 1 gauge, 4 to 1 transfer case gear set from Terra Low, Currie Short Shaft Conversion, Six States Distributors rear drive shaft with CV joint, 36x12.50x15 Super Swamper TSL's, K&N filter, Cat Back exhaust with Flowmaster, & Anti sway bar disconnects, 2 tow hooks each end, Oh yea....and lots of spare parts and tools onboard. Best Ramp score yet is.....well..lets just say it will ace a 30 degree ramp.

Planned Modifications are: A high output alternator, Dual yellow top Optima Batteries, and Storage tanks for more compressed air.
I still dont have an URL for ARB but I do have a Tech E-Mail address here. Send your Questions to:

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You can E-Mail him He has more pictures of his Jeep on his page.

Click on the thumbnails for larger Picture. Pictures arranged from oldest to newest.

The Day BoughtSpring Over In Progress1st Ramp try after Spring OverA tad MuddyLeft Rear Barely OffA 4cyl Will spin 36's

Off The Ground A BitSwampers Didn't Help. Notice that the Axle is Pulled Into A Non Straight Position!

This page last updated on 6/7/99

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