Transmission Options

The following information comes from many sources, including IHC parts and owner's manuals, original sales brochures and postings on the IHC Digest. It is by no means complete. If you feel you can add to this information,
E-mail me.

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3 Speeds

IH Code         Vendor and Model, Ratios          When Used
--------------  --------------------------------- ------------------------------
13013 or T-13   Warner Gear T-90, 3 Speed         2WD, years?
                same as T-14

13014 or T-14   Warner Gear T-90, 3 Speed         Scout 80, 800, and II thru '74
                1=3.34, 2=1.85, 3=1.00, Rev=4.53

13332 or T-332  Warner Gear T-15D, 3 Speed,       Scout II '75 and later
                Synchro low,  1=2.997, 2=1.55, 
                3= 1.00, Rev=2.997

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4 Speeds

IH Code         Vendor and Model, Ratios          When Used
--------------  --------------------------------- ------------------------------
13044 or T-44   Warner Gear T-18C, 4 Speed,       2WD, years?
                same as T-45 

13045 or T-45   Warner Gear T-18C, 4 Speed        Scout 800 and II thru '75
	        1=4.02, 2=2.41, 3=1.41, 4=1.00,
                (A wide ratio T-18 was never offered in the Scout)

13427 or T-427  Warner Gear T-19, 4 Speed         Scout II '75-80
                Wide Ratio, Synchro Low.
	        1=6.32, 2=3.09, 3=1.68, 4=1.00, 
		(Yes, both the T-18 and the T-19 were available in '75)

13428 or T-428  Warner Gear T-19A, 4 Speed Close  Scout II '75-80
                Ratio Synchro Low, 1=4.02, 
                2=2.41, 3=1.41, 4=1.00, Rev=4.42

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5 Speeds

IH Code         Vendor and Model, Ratios          When Used
--------------  --------------------------------- ------------------------------
13034 or T-34   IH, Synchro, 6.21, 3.43, 1.81,    1000-1500, Loadstars, N/A with
                1.00, .823                        6 Cyl Engine

13035 or T-35   IH, Synchro, 7.17, 3.96, 2.36,    1000-1500, Loadstars, N/A with
                1.41, 1.00                        6 Cyl Engine

13036 or T-36   IH, Synchro, 6.21, 3.43, 2.05,    1000-1500, Loadstars, N/A with
                1.225, 1.00                       6 Cyl Engine

13434 or T-434  IH, Synchro, see T-34             Code changed in '69 or '70?

13435 or T-435  IH, Synchro, see T-35             Code changed in '69 or '70?

13436 or T-436  IH, Synchro, see T-36             Code changed in '69 or '70?

13494 or T-494  IH, Synchro, see T-34             Code changed in '74 or '75

13495 or T-495  IH, Synchro, see T-35             Code changed in '74 or '75

13496 or T-496  IH, Synchro, see T-36             Code changed in '74 or '75

I have a special 5 Speed Web Page with more information.

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IH Code         Vendor and Model, Ratios          When Used
--------------  --------------------------------- ------------------------------
13039 or T-39   Borg Warner 11 Automatic          Scout 800 and II thru '72

13407 or T-407  Chrysler A727 3 speed Automatic,  Scout II '73 and later
                Low=2.45, D1=1.45, D2=1.00, 

[3 Speeds | 4 Speeds | 5 Speeds | Automatics | Top of Page | Return to Info Page]

Transfer Cases

IH Code         Vendor and Model, Ratios          When Used
--------------  --------------------------------- ------------------------------
13141 or TC-141 ??, Low=1.925, gear driven        Pickups, Travelalls 1/2 ton?

13142 or TC-142 New Process 205, Low=1.96,        Pickups, Travelalls 3/4 ton+?
                gear driven

13143 or TC-143 IH Chain Drive Transfer Case      Scout II
                Single Speed

13144 or TC-144 Dana Model 18,  Low=2.46          Scout 80

13145 or TC-145 Dana Model 20, Low=2.00           Scout 800 and II

13146 or TC-146 Dana Model 300, Low=2.62          1980 Scout II, 
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Updated: 1/1/98