Although I've always been interested in photography since about the age of 12, it was due to a very good childhood friend of mine that I really started taking pictures seriously. Friendship is a very special thing to me, since it's truly a rare occurrence in life. Although we have not kept in touch throughout the years I'll always be grateful to him for both his friendship, and photography, so Ramon(EL CHINO)Sien, if you stumble onto this page, thank you my friend !
Nature photography has been my therapy throughout the years. As the years have gone by however, I've seen great wilderness environments fall victim to so called progress. I've noticed places I've frequently visited such as The Florida Everglades, The Great Smoky Mountains, The Florida Keys, and Nantahala Natl. Forrest, scarred for life by either "progress" or by the hundreds of careless tourists that frequent these habitats. It scares me to think that the only wildlife future generations will get to see in the great USA will be within the confines of city zoos. The once feared and "dangerous" wilderness is now quite tame and extremely fragile, it is also in great need of our protection. Let's all do our part to ensure that our grandkids, or future generations in general, can someday enjoy nature's greatness.
As an amateur photographer I've selected this media as a way to share some of my favorite images. I've never really had the time to take a formal photography class but that has not stopped me from capturing images on and off throughout a 15 year span. My main interests are nature, action, and architectural photography. My equipment is strictly MINOLTA, all of my images were taken with the(35mm SLR) XGM and/or MAXXUM 7000i bodies mainly in shutter priority mode while set to manual focus, I have relied heavily in the cameras internal meter since I do not own any type of external light metering device. In the future (hopefully before I croak) I hope to move up to a new DYNAX9 / MAXXUM9 but that is not within my reach for the time being nor has it been released yet.
Also within these pages and at great personal danger from my wife's wrath I've included some images of one of the most beautiful fitness model that ever graced the web, specifically Tylene Buck. I hope you can appreciate the risk I've taken to bring forth these beautiful images.
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Favoritism is not my thang and I don't get a penny from either one. You're an adult so you make the call:
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