Welcome To Tim's Place

Pet Peeves!
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As of 10/09/98

It will be SOON!
(1) People who keep saying it will be"Ready in two weeks"
(2) 30 items in 15 or less line, They should pay at every 15 items
(3) People who don't "say what they mean or mean what they say",I believe that said it all
(4) Phone sales people ,Why don't they get a "REAL" job.
(5) People in general,So many Idiots out there.
(6) Busted trans. in my Buggy.
(7) Leaves on the ground.
(8) Things that are't right,You figure that one out yourself.
(9) Computer crashes.
(10) When you have too much to do.
(11) Spelling Complaints.....lol.
(12) Dial-up "Thank you Charter cable"
(13) Dirty soldering iron tip
More to come when I get to it

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