(click on image to view fullsize)

Celebrating Jennie's first birthday

Our little angel

Let me give you a kiss!!

AAAGHH!! What have I done??

Now mommy will have to wash my lips!!.

Tyler and me.

Swingin in my new swing.

Here are some pics from Halloween '98 of Jennie and Grandma Bergman

Here is a new pic of Jennie in her camo getting ready for the upcoming hunting season

I would like to thank my two girls, Rachel (my wife) and Jennie (my daughter). This is Rachel's birthday gift and her and Jennie playing.

These are two happy girls
Rachel and Jennie

This is a very happy baby

This girl really "ROCKS"

Joey, Lynley, Alex, and Jennie

"Singin' some Elvis songs at Gramma's"

The CD ended already?


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