=- Surf's Online Carding Form -=
Online Form

If you are part or work for aol or any government or online agency or just want to get us introuble you must destroy this form right now.

You must answer the following questions.

1. ) What do you need carded:
2. ) Send me a link to the item: Example: cdnow.com/music/korn/fallingaway.html

3. ) Quantity:

( How Many )

4. ) Do you work for AOL or any government system that can get me into trouble: Yes No
5. ) How old are you:
6. ) What is your gender: Male Female


1. ) Email Address:

Please enter an email address so I can contact you, please make sure it is not a phish .

2. ) Payment, not COD will cost more: Cod Cash

COD will cost twice as much as cash. But if COD is what you want, then I will do it!!

Please note: I am 100% real and I will not fuck you over in anyway. This is probably a one in a life time chance on getting a real carder from AOL. If you are interested please hit the submit button abiove, if not then leave! If I was not a real carder, then why would I do COD. Think About that!

Thanks, and I will reply to your email with in 24 hours, thanks