Greetings to you. You have accessed one of my favorite pages on this site. Here you will find many a joke, and all that. This page has a s**t load of jokes and humour, as I am sure you already know. Anyway, enough of the chit chat and on the with the goods.

100 ways to confuse your room mate
100 ways to order a pizza
107 reasons why a beer is better than a woman
31 signs that technology has taken over your life
50 fun things to do in elevator
50 things to do in a computer lab
50 ways to get rid of a blind date
 The world's longest list of Blonde jokes
Bumper stickers seen on the Information Superhighway
Car acronyms
Top 10 signs you have a dumb cat
Top 10 signs you bought the wrong car
The world's biggest list of dead baby jokes
The world's biggest list of do it lines (aka Everybody does it)
The world's biggest list of they never die, they just
The world's biggest list of punny book covers
The world's biggest list of Shit happens
Top 10 fringe benefits of being a computer hacker
Top 10 reasons why the Egyptians built the pyramids
Top 10 rules in hell
Top 10 signs your computer has a virus
Top 10 signs your neighbor belongs to a cult
Top 10 things you don't want to hear when riding in a car with someone
Top 10 US Secret Military weapons
Top 75 reasons why women should not have freedom of speech
TV Axioms
The Top 10 Marketing flops
World's best chat up lines
World's biggest list of famous last lines
World's biggest list of insults
World's biggest list of Mommy! Mommy! jokes
Well, if that didn't get you laughing, I don't know what will! I think that'll do for a while. Hope you enjoyed them!

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