Welcome to the advice page. Here you will find very helpful advice to help get you through life. First is the useful advice, then after that is the useless advice. I advice you do not take the useless advice seriously. You might get deported for being a weirdo.

 Useful advice
1. Don't smoke.
2. Don't take drugs, because you can f**k yourself up. I know quite a few people who take drugs who shall remain unnamed (You know who you are). Their brains are seriously getting affected and it is starting to become very noticeable.
3. Don't drink and drive.
4. Respect your parents and friends.
5. Do not steal.
6. Do your best in school and everything else you do.
7. Do not judge people by the way they are on the outside, but how they are on the inside.
8. Do not go for good looking, fast cars. Go for reliability and quality.
9. Get a job and don't be a dole bludger. Dole bludgers (Whom I know a lot of) don't deserve money.
10. Be your best.

Useless advice
1. To enjoy life more, try not to step in dog poo.
2. Power plugs give power. Do not attempt to shove your mother-in-law into one.
3. One word: Styrofoam.
4. Do not feed your pet crocodile sewerage. Feed it fresh toilet water.
5. Guns were not made for use by illegal aliens. So don't YOU ever use a firearm.
6. Flake is shit, Carp is beautiful!
7. Door knobs make good tow balls.
8. If you are considering a labotomy, go to a qualified surgeon.
9. Cricket is not a sport for the faint hearted. It is a sport for people who like watching grass grow and waiting for paint to dry..
10. Burlap. Think about this word. When you have found out what it means, E-Mail me.

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