The Problem

The disordered urban development comes with global ambient problems. The high garbage production, the inadequate disposal of toxic products and the environment all aggravates the concern with the drinking waters scarcity in the planet.

The garbage’s topic is becoming one of the most serious problems nowadays. The recycling is an important way of residues management, therefore it transforms the garbage into industry resources, with diverse ambient advantages, including the natural resources’ preservation and the welfare of the community.

Amongst many products of difficult degradation in the environment, there are the fats. Such as oil, bathe, and others, the fats do not mix to the water, forming a dense layer in the surface that disables the gaseous exchanges and the oxygenation, becoming a problem for rivers, water-bearing and lakes. The fats also intervene in negative way on the treatment of sewers, being common the blockage of tubes. The clogging of these tubes makes the sewers infiltrate in the ground, contaminating the underground water, or reach the surface. To remove the oil and to remove impediments in the tubes, highly toxic chemical products are used. Besides causing irreparable damages to the environment, it constitutes an illegal practice. 

Estimates indicate that only 1% of the used oil in the world is treated. The most used alternative is the manufactured soap, being able to be made even in domestic form.

In the tourist district of Praia do Forte and areas around the north shore of Bahia, with about 96 establishments it’s generated an average production of 6660 liters each month of oil. This organic residue causes bad smell and attracts animals and vectors of illnesses.  To get rid of this inconvenience, the restaurants, snack bars, bakeries and others, pour the oil in an alternative form in the sink or the sanitary vase.

This fact gets even worse when we think that this is occurring in an environmental protection area where the so called Sapiranga Forest is situated. In a place where many animals, trees and rivers create such a rich environment, is also taking place a big growth of the tourist sector and many new beach condos, hotels, restaurants, etc, are being settled. To avoid any kind of future problem dealing with sewage a recycling program is more than urgent.