This took place in 1999, shortly after I bought my Jeep Wrangler.

For a couple of weeks, I parked my Jeep with it's rear wheels on the ground, and the front wheels on a snow pile.

Then, one day after work, there was a note on my winshield.  I expected a "please don't park here" message.. but instead it said...

"A real Jeeper would have put it on top"

So, I did.

These pictures were taken after this story takes place, and I got a $15 parking ticket for "Other violation".  (The snow in these pictures was plowed from the parking lots, after they put large ammounts of salt/sand down.  That is why it looks like dirt.)

They were concerned that the snow may melt and my vehicle would shift in an unsafe manner.

The Moral of the story is, Don't park anywhere fun!