Welcome to our fan page for Ocean Girl! How on earth did the idea for a "Ocean Girl" page come about, especially when we Yankees never got the last season and it hasn't been played in two millenium in the States? Simple! Jenn went a bit kookoo. Yes, she did, and she began to remember back to a time where she was obessed with this here show. Now, I was never 'obsessed' with OG (and that's the story I'm sticking to! ;-) ). But I did like the show so we decided to set up a nice lil web page for all us Yanks who haven't seen the show in...ooh...forever. Oh, this is also for all you lucky Australians and so on who *do* get the show! Yay for you! :-) So sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing sounds of the ocean. And remember, this isn't exactly IMAX with their award-winning presentation of "The Living Sea"! We have faults! We only *look* perfect!
Too Much Ocean Girl When....