Kat and Jenn


It's Kat's Pad! Groovy baby, yeah!

Hellooo out there in TV land!

Hi! I'm Kat! I'm from South Cali..and this is very boring, huh? Yeah..I thought so. Ah well, that's what AOL told me to do! Come to think of it...I'm getting tired of dancing for the man! No more obedience! Break the chains of bondage! Hehe..nono, I'm just kidding you. I'm safe, really! See my green card! Um...okay...so it *is* blue. Your point is? You actually thought it really *was* green? Haha! Fool! That's just what they want you to think! Hehe...


Me (oh me oh my)

You must be reeeeeally bored if you want to find out about me... hehe, oh, well. Have fun.

I'm Jenn. (Visit the Society Preventing Parents from Naming Their Children Jennifer) Anyway, I'll get on with it. Here's a picture of me. I'm from North Colo. I'm a Roman Catholic and I go to John the XXIII University Parish. I go to Boltz Jr. High School. I'm a Freshman there and at Rocky. Don't ask me to explain the Freshman dual-school attendance thing...'cause I can't. 

Eventually, I'd like to go to CU Boulder or UCLA.  I think I'm going to be a doctor or a CIA agent.

As far as hobbies... I love to write.  I play the piano and the cello. I dance a lot--I take ballet, tap, jazz, swing, modern, Irish, hip hop, and I'm in a performance company. I like acting and singing. I love to swim and I'd like to be able to play baseball. I'm a big star and cloud gazer. Sims and roleplaying are fun. When it comes to TV, it's Monty Python, Flash Forward, or sci-fi. My particular sci-fi picks are MST3K, Ocean Girl, Sliders, seaQuest, Star Trek, and the X-Files. My favorite movie is Interview Day. Never heard of it? I'm not surprised... it was on Mobil Masterpiece Theatre in May, 1998. As far as music goes... Sting, Seal, Dave Matthews, Savage Garden , and of course Andrew Lloyd Webber (Go go go Joseph! Hehe.) would top the list. I basically like everything except people who recycle old music.

Some of our best friends are Amberlynn, Sonya,  Jaime, Wendy, Alaina, Lisa, Marian, Andie, and Katie. We love our dogs: Kosho and Ipo.

Good places to go to...'cause we said so

Rene Auberjonois Internet Linkie
The Official P/T Collective Archive
Mater Dei High School - Go MD!
Scott Pakin's automatic complaint-letter generator
Create your own love story
MedicineNet - Medical Information on Diseases
The Hampster Dance
The Starseed Quiz

Kat and Jenn
e-mail: oceanchicas@geocities.com
AOL Instant Messenger Send us IMs at SprwHawk and JennHenry1.

Take us hoooooooome!