Now I was out here before and it wasn't all that bad because it hadn't rained in awhile. So I drove around in 4 wheel drive. Well right before leaving a threw it in 2 wheel to just mess around, I had my winch along so I said why not. I buried the back end right after I let out the clutch. So I figured 4 wheel would get me out. I was amazed watching the mud fly and feeling the front end sink so fast. I got out that time with my winch but I left a tow strap that was too tight on a tree. I came back the next day worked it off with a flat head screw driver and when I backed out to leave I backed into this little hole and buried it in the sticky mud again! My 33 inch super swampers kicked the mud out good but you can see once they slowed to a stop that mud got right back in them.
This place was nothing before it rained. I couldnt get my truck stuck in it if I wanted to, but after it rained it looked the same but was TOTALLY different. I ended up winching my self out and didn't take long at all.
more pics of this swamp