(crank up the volumn, and view full screen!)

Pretty nice banner,huh? I made it myself!!!


At long last...the time has come. I've been soooo busy setting up my other site...I've totally neglected this one. Eventually you'll find soooo many links here, it could overwhelm you. There will be something here for everyone. Be sure to check back often, I'm always adding to it.

(Be sure to read the note at the bottom)

Tons of "how-to's"

Search engines

Audio and Video Downloads


Links to my other pages

and of course...everything

Email me to apply for my award..."The Golden Cup"..simply click on the award!!!

Be sure to check back often. I'll be updating and adding constantly. The internet is my hobby and I'd love to make things easier and more enjoyable for everyone. Many people are still intimidated by the concept of "the internet".

It's my plan to create a web site that is helpful, informative, and very user friendly.


I'll be watching for you

If you have anything you'd like to see here, please write!!!!!

If you're not viewing this site on Internet Explorer,
then you're NOT viewing this site the way it was designed....
and that's your loss!!!!
The sound alone is worth the effort...
its extraordinary..but AOL's browser is not configured to display it...
and you know how I feel about that...

LQQkie what I have here...an AWARD!!! Selected as a "cool site"...neat,huh?

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