Welcome to a sense of wonder

Carlitos' picture gallery and other cool stuff about cocker spaniels (created Oct.2000)

Click on the small picture to see Carlitos, the loveliest English cocker spaniel on earth! (my pet dog, by the way)

CLICK HERE to see Carlitos' picture gallery

Hi there,

My name is Dorian and I live in Romania. I've set up this website so that I can post here from time to time various bits and pieces about me.

It is not intented to be an autobiographical type of site, nor a journal. It will most likely seem like a picture book story. Not that I'm a terribly photogenic guy, because I'm not. It's just that I felt that I should be doing the "about me" thing somehow differently, that's all.

Anyway, if you have a mind to see some pictures – and not necessarily to get to know me better J, please step in by clicking below.


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©1999-2001 Dorian. Last revised: December 12, 2000.