Warning: This page is about me, stuff I like, hobbies, etc. That's what person web pages are for.. being all conceited and stuff. So if you don't like it, leave! 


I'm a sophomore at Michigan State University, and I enjoy a wide variety of hobbies, many of which I have links to below. I can't really think of anything super duper creative to put up here right now, so check back and it'll be updated occasionally.


Some of my favorite hobbies include motorcycles and off-road vehicles. Links to pages with pictures and information on some of them are below.

My Honda CBR 900RR

Here's some pages with pictures and information on some of my previous off-road machines. More pictures will be posted when there's enough time to scan and post them.

Kawasaki KXF250 Tecate-4

1990 Honda CR500R

1991 Honda CR500R

Other links

Michigan State University

Honda Motorcycles

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Email me at nathano@hotmail.com