Major League Players

Sunbelt Classic Series


Name H.S. Year Pos. Drafted H.S. (college) College Major League Teams & Years
Kevin Bass '77 OF Mil 2nd-signed None Mil82; Hou82-89; SF90-92; NYN92; Hou93-94; Bal95
Buddy Biancalana '78 SS KC 1st-signed None KC82-87; Hou87
Jeff Ransom '78 C SF 5th-signed None SF81-83
Al Davis '78 1B SF 8th
college - Seattle 6th-signed
AZ State Sea84-91; Cal92
John Christensen '78 OF Cal 16th
college - NYMets 2nd - signed'81
Cal State
NYN84-85; Sea87; Min88
David Leeper '78 OF None
college - KC1st -signed'81
USC KC84-85
Mike Gallego '78 2B None
college - Oak 2nd - signed'81
UCLA Oak85-91; NYA92-94; Oak95; StL96-97
Brad Wellman '78 OF None
free agent signed -KC78
None SF82-86; LA87; KC88-89
John Bohnet '79 P SanDiego 15th-signed None Cle82
Bill Moore '79 OF None
college - Mont 6th-signed'83
Cal State
Chuck Crim '79 P CCubs 3rd
college - Mil 17th-signed'83
Hawaii Mil87-91; Cal92-93; ChiN94
Fred Toliver '79 P Cinn - signed None Cinn84; Phil85-87; Min88-89; SD89; Pit93
Randy Kutcher '79 C San Fran 4th -signed None SF86-87; Bos88-89
David Hengel '80 OF San Fran 4th
college - Sea 3rd - signed'83
Cal State
Sea86-88; Cle89
Randy Asadoor '80 OF Balt 11th
college - TX 3rd -signed'83
Fresno State SD86
Ron Robinson '80 P Cin 1st-signed None Cin84-90; Mil90-92
J.R. Reid '80 OF SF 1st-signed None SF87-88
Eric Plunk '81 P NYN 4th -signed None Oak88-89; NYA89-91; Cle92-98; Mil98-99
John Fishel '81 OF NY Mets 8th
college-Hou 8th - signed'85
Cal State
Dave Cochrane '81 C NY Mets 4th-signed None ChiA86; Sea89-92
Tony Ferreira '81 P KC 2nd -signed None KC85
Phil Lombardi '81 C NYN 3rd -signed None NYA86-87; NYN87
Mike Macfarlane '82 C KC 4th
college - KC 3rd -signed'85
Santa Clara KC87-94; Bos95; KC96-98; Oak98-99
Chad Krueter '82 C None
college - TX 5th - signed'85
Pepperdine TX88-91; Det92-94; Sea95; ChiA96-97; Ana97; ChiA98; KC99; LA00-03
Gordon Dillard '82 P None
college -Balt 14th -signed'86
OK State Bal88; Phil89
Doug Henry '82 P NY Mets 16th
college -Mil 8th - signed'85
AZ State Mil91-94; NYN95-96; SF97; Hou98-00; SF00; KC01
Randy Johnson '82 P Atl 4th
college - Mont 2nd -signed'86
USC Mont88-89; Sea89-98; Hou98; AZ99-03
Brad Brink '83 P None
college- Phil 1st- signed'86
USC Phil92-93; SF94
Larry Gonzales '83 2B None
college- Cal 22nd - signed'88
Unknown Cal93
Kevin Maas '83 1B None
college - NYN 22nd - signed'86
Cal State
NYA90-93; Min95
Erik Johnson '83 OF SF 18th Univ. Cal Santa
Jack McDowell '84 P Bos 29th
college - ChiA 1st - signed'87
Stanford ChiA87-94; NYA95; Cle96-97; Ana98-99
Greg Myers '84 C Tor 3rd -signed None Tor87; Tor89-92; Cal92-95; Min96-97; Atl97; SD98-99; Atl99; Bal00-01; Oak01-03
Alex Sanchez '84 P Chi Cubs 20th
college- Tor 1st -signed'87
UCLA Tor89
Brian Keyser '85 P None
college - Chi Sox 7th - signed'89
Stanford ChiA95-96
Ed Sprague '86 3B Bos 26th
college - Tor 1st NYN 3rd -signed'89
Stanford Tor91-98; Oak98; Pitt99; SD00; Bos00; Sea01
Brian Johnson '86 C Mont 26th
college - NYN 12th - signed'89
Stanford SD94-96; Det97; SF97-98; Cinn99; Kc00; CA01
F.P. Santangelo '86 2B None
college - Mont 20th - signed'89
Miami Univ. Mont95-96; SF99; LA00; Oak01
Phil Nevin '86 SS LA 3rd
college - 1st -signed'92
Cal State
Hou95; Det95-97; Ana98; SD99-03
Bob Hamelin '86 1B None
college - KC 5th -signed'88
Rancho Santiago
Jr. College
KC93-96; Det97; Min98
Harvey Pulliam '86 OF KC 5th - signed None KC91-93; Col95-97
Eric Helfand '87 C Sea 8th
college - Oak 2nd - signed'90
AZ State Oak93-95
Lance Dickson '87 P Hou 37th
college - ChiCubs 5th - signed'90
Arizona ChiN90
Bret Boone '87 SS Minn 28th
college - Sea 2nd- signed'91
USC Sea92-93; Cinn94-98; Atl99; SD00; Sea01-03
Fernando Vina '87 SS NYN 51st
college - NYMets 10th - signed'90
AZ State Sea93; NYN94; Mil95-97; Min98-99; StL00-03
Greg Colbrunn '87 3B Mont 6th - signed None Mont92-93; FL94-96; Min97; Atl97; Col98; Atl 98; AZ99-03
Bret Barberie '87 2B Mont 7th
college - KC 28th - signed'88
None Mont91-92; FL93-94; Bal95; ChiN96
Joey Eischen '88 P ChiSox 5th
college - TX 4th - signed'89
Jr. College
Mont94; LA 95-96; Det96; Cinn97; Mont01-03
Doug Saundrs '88 2B NYMets 3rd - signed None NYN93
Sean Mulligan '88 C None
college - SD 4th - signed'91
Illinois SD96
Keith Johnson '89 OF None
college - LA 4th - signed'92
of Pacific
Jason Hardrke '90 2B Clev 3rd - signed'90 None NYN 96-97; ChiN98
Jacob Cruz '90 OF Ana 8th
college - SF 1st - signed'94
AZ State SF96-98; Cle98-01; Col01; Det02-03
Jason McDonald '90 SS None
college - Oak 4th - signed'93
Houston Oak97-99; TX00
Mike Cather '90 P None
college - TX 44th - signed'94
CA State
Ryan Hancock '90 P None
college - Cal 2nd - signed'94
Brigham Young Cal98
Andrew Lorraine '90 P None
college - Cal 4th - signed'93
Stanford Cal94; ChiA95; Oak97; Sea98; ChiN99-00; Cle00; Min00-03
Benji Gil '91 SS TX 12th - signed None TX93; Tex95-97; Ana00-03
Geoff Blum '91 SS SF 8th
college -Mont 7th - signed'94
CA State
Mont99-01; Hou02-03
Aaron Boone '91 SS Atl 5th
college - Cinn 3rd - signed'94
USC Cinn97-03; NYN03
Mike Frank '93 OF None
college - Cinn 7th - signed'97
Santa Clara Cinn98
Matt Wise '93 P Sea 55th
college - Ana 6th - signed'97
CA State
Seth Etherton '94 P FL 16th
college - Ana 1st - signed'98
USC Ana00; Cinn03
Mile Young '94 2B Balt 25th
college - Tor 5th - signed'97
Jr. College
Brian Bowles '94 P Tor 50th - signed CA State
San Diego
Jason Phillips '94 C None
college - NYMets 24th - signed'97
San Diego
Pat Burrell '95 3B Bos 7th
college - Phil 1st - signed'98
Miami U Phil00-03
Jeroime Robertson '95 P Hou 24th - signed None Hou02-03
Aaron Rowand '95 OF TX 8th
college - ChiSox 1st - signed'98
CA State
Ryan Madson '97 P H.S. None TB03; Phil03


Name H.S. Year Pos. Drafted H.S. (college) College Major League Teams & Years
Dewayne Vaughn '77 P None
college - TX 15th - signed'81
Mike Moore '78 P StL 13th
college - Sea 1st - signed'82
Oral Roberts
Sea82-88; Oak89-92; Det93-95
Mickey Tettleton '78 SS None
college - Oak 5th - signed'82
Okla. State
Oak84-87; Bal88-89; Det91-94; TX95-97
Phil Stephenson '78 1B None
college - Oak 3rd - signed'82
Wichita State ChiN89; SD89-92
Mike Ryal '78 OF KC 17th - signed None KC82; ChiA85; CA86-87; Phil89; Pit90
Charlie O'Brien '78 C TX 14th
college - Oak 9th - signed'82
Wichita State Oak85; Mil87-90; NYN90-93; Atl94-95; Tor96-97; ChiA98; Ana98-99; Mont00
John Russell '79 C Mont 4th
college - Phil 1st - signed'83
Phil84-88; Atl89; TX90-93
Ray Hayward '79 P None
college - SD 1st - signed'83
SD86-87; TX88
Mike Brumley, Jr. '80 SS None
college - Bos 2nd - signed'84
TX SD86-87; TX88
Steve Peters '81 P None
college - StL 6th - signed'85
Rick Wrona '82 C None
college - ChiCubs 8th - signed'86
Wichita State Chi88-90; Cinn92; ChiA93; Mil94
Monty Fariss '85 SS NYMets 7th
college - TX 1st - signed'89
TX91-92; FL93
Tim Pugh '85 P Mil 22nd
college - Cinn 5th - signed'89
Cinn 92-96; KC96; Cinn96; Det97
Jimmie Rogers '85 P None
college - Tor 16th - signed'89
Jr. College
Darron Cox '86 C None
college - Cinn 5th - signed'90
Kelly Stinnett '88 C None
college - NYMets 6th - signed'92
?? NYN94-95; Mil96-97; AZ98-00; Cinn01-03
Gary Huaght '88 P None
college - Oak 15th - signed'92
Jr. College
Kevin Lomon '90 P None
college - Atl 9th - signed'92
Jr. College
NYN95; Atl96
Jamie Bluma '90 P None
college - Cinn 6th- signed'94
Wichita State KC96
Ryan Franklin '91 P Tor 42nd
college - Sea 20th - signed'93
Jr. College
Sea99; Sea01-03
Ryan Nye '91 P None
college - Phil 2nd- signed'94
TX Tech Phil97-98
Dusty Allen '91 1B None
college - SD 30th - signed'95
Stanford SD00; Det00
A.J. Hinch '92 C ChiSox 2nd
college - Oak 3rd - signed'97
Stanford Oak90-00; KC01-02; Det03
Jamie Wright '93 P None
college - Col 1st- signed
None Col96-99; Mil00-02; StL02; Min03
Brad Penny '95 P AZ 5th - signed None FL00-03
Aaron Looper '95 P SD 21st
college - ?? - signed
Joey Nation '97 P ChiCubs 2nd - signed None ChiN00
Koyie Hill '97 SS ??? - signed Wichita State LA03
Jason Brewer '98 SS None
college - Tampa Bay ??- signed
Baylor TB03
Matt Roney '98 P Col 1st - signed None Det03


Name H.S. Year Pos. Drafted H.S. (college) College Major League Teams & Years
Keith Johns '89 OF Bos 9th
college - StL 6th -signed'92
West Valley
Jr. College
Charlie Greene '89 C SD 2nd
college - SD 19th -signed'91
Miami Dade
Jr. College
NYN96; Bal97-98; Mil99; Tor00
Jason Varitek '90 C NYMets 9th
college - Minn 1st -signed'94
GA Tech Bos97-03
Danny Rios '90 P NYN 7th -signed None NYA97; KC98
Paul Wilson '91 P Pitts 57th
college - NYMets 1st - signed'94
FL State NYN96; TB00-03
Mike Medcalf '91 2B None
college - LA 3rd -signed'94
Miami LA98; LA00
Desi Relaford '91 SS Sea 4th -signed None Phil96-00; SD00; NYMets01; Sea02-03
Brad Rigby '91 P None
college - Oak 2nd -signed'94
GA Tech Oak97; Oak99; KC99-00; Mont00
Joey Depastino '92 P Bos 7th -signed None NYMets03
Jonothan Johnson '92 P Mont 34th
college - Pitt 1st -signed'96
FL State TX98-01; SD02; Hou03
Mark Bellhorn '92 2B SD 37th
college - Oak 2nd -signed'95
Auburn Oak97-98; Oak00-01; ChiN02-03
Johnny Damon '92 OF KC 1st -signed None KC95-00; Oak01; Bos02-038
Doug Mientkiewicz '92 OF Tor 12th
college - Minn 5th -signed'95
FL State Min98-03
Tommy Phelps '92 P Mont 8th
college - No info on signing
?? FL03
Ed Yarnall '93 P None
college - NYN 38th -signed'96
LSU NYA99-00
Jason Michaels '94 OF None
college - Phil 4th -signed'98
Miami Phil01-03
Larry Barnes '94 1B None
free agent - CA A - signed'95
?? Ana01
Ron Belliard '94 2B Mil 8th -signed None Mil98-03
Ryan Freel '94 SS None
college - Tor 10th -signed'95
Tor01; Cinn03
Cal Pickering '95 3B Balt 35th -signed None Bal98-99; Cinn01; Bos01


Name H.S. Year Pos. Drafted H.S. (college) College Major League Teams & Years
Shane Monohan '92 3B Det 8th
college - Sea 2nd - signed'95
Clemson Sea98-99
John Rocker '93 P Atl 8th -signed'93 None Atl98-01; Cle01; TX02-03
J.D. Drew '94 1B Phil 2nd
college - StL 1st - signed'98
FL State StL98-03
Tim Drew '97 P Cle 1st -signed None Cle00-01; Mont02-03
Dernell Stenson '96 OF Bos 3rd - no info. avail. None Cinn03


Name H.S. Year Pos. Drafted H.S. (college) College Major League Teams & Years
Brian Anderson '90 P None
college - Cal 1st - signed'93
Wright State Cal93-95; Cle96-97; AZ98-02
Jeff Wallace '94 P KC 25th - signed None Pit97; Pit99-00; TB01
Paul Hoover '94 C None
college - TB 23rd - signed'97
Kent State TB01-02


Name H.S. Year Pos. Drafted H.S. (college) College Major League Teams & Years
Troy Brohawn '91 P None -college - SF 4th - signed'93 Nebraska AZ01; SF02; LA03