Welcome to My
Sailing Homepage!

Welcome! My name is Jim Stein

Sailing has always been one of my favorite subjects and I've collected a lot of stuff that I think you'll be interested in. So, please take a look around and enjoy yourself. I add new material regularly to keep my site fresh, so check back often!

My main interest is in sailing around the world on a Roberts Spray 45 which I intend to build. But in the mean time I am building Phil Bolgers Micro Trawler

I also build model sailing ships and Live Steam trains.
I am an avid reader of the nautical writer Dudley Pope so I have a mailing list and a page dedicated to him.

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My Model Boat page which features scale, display models of wooden and early iron sailing ships.


My Live steam page features the models I am building, a 5" gauge British 9F 2-10-0 Evening Star and a 3 1/2" gauge Australian Standard Garrett. Based on the loco based at the Australian Portland Cement Company in Geelong Victoria Australia. This loco has been preserved at the Australian Railway Historical Society Williamstown Museum in Melbourne Victoria Australia.


Genealogy, I am researching the STEIN name. This area is always under construction, if you have any queries please E-Mail me.


Feburary 26,2002
Added new book
Dictionary added more terms

February 7, 2002
Added new book
Dictionary added more terms


31 Jan 2002
Dudley Pope

I have an interest in the books of Dudley Pope including the "RAMAGE" and "Ned York" series. If you want to join a mailing list for discussion on his books or on the Age of Wooden Ships and Iron Men please click on the image.

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Since March 11, 2001
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