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Newspaper reports that developers have received City of Hollywood approval to demolish the Townhouse apartments as part of redevelopment of a city block of land. The story says the building is crime infested.
Let's see now. The City has a police department. I would think they would have cleared up a crime infestation. I wonder how many convicts live there?
I count eight balconies across the building on each of eleven floors. Eighty eight efficiency or studio apartments face north, and another eighty eight face south. They are about to tear down nearly 200 low cost apartments.
The people living there do not appear to be the poorest in Hollywood. The parking lot for the building is full of (older) cars. The south facing balconies nearly all have satellite TV antennas.
In the city of Davie, a large trailer park closed recently. Low cost housing gone.
Is any government interested in really low cost housing. Why not find the architectural drawings of the TownHouse, update them, add 100% security monitoring, and replace the building somewhere else?
It is called stimulating the economy. Actually it is called spending money to keep construction workers working. How many construction workers per building. How many copies of the building? Stimulate away.
April 06, 2009 Did I hear this right, from the G20 meeting, the economic summit? The USA is to supply money TO the International Monetary Fund, which will loan it to developing countries.
I would have thought that would go... CHINA will supply US Dollars TO the International Monetary Fund, which will loan it TO the USA.
March 27, 2009 Restated again...
February 27, 2009 It bothers me that the media contains assertions that there is no choice to the stimulus and budget adopted or proposed.
This Genie-in-the-Bottle is right here. And how many more of us are there?
The "economics" experts may think there is no alternative. But they know nothing about modern "economics". How can they? I have not told them.
November 10, 2008 So on to the economics conference.... we want our money back. And when you get (the money) here deposit it in Edge Act banks... Actually, I wonder what demands the foreigners are planning to bring to the economics conference.
January 23, 2008. Interest Rate Cut, Tax Rebate. How much does that stimulate the USA "economy?" How much does it stimulate the trade deficit, and the outflow of US Dollars? Wonder if there is a way to stimulate employment and production in the USA without the outflow?
It appears the economics experts do not understand money either. What demands are you all bringing to this next economics conference? A world currency. Nutz. We have a fine currency in the United States. We just need it back. Bring it back please.
Capital One and HSBC probably both got money in the first bail out. "They" just gave it to foreign banks. They did not even get it spent once in the USA before it leaked out of the nation into the trade deficit. I thought it would get spent, and spent again, and maybe even again before it leaked away.
March 21, 2009 What is the ethics of interstate political contributions. Is it not enough for the people of Utah to make the laws of Utah. And to leave the laws of the City of SanFrancisco, and the State of California to the citizens of the city and state?
And the wealthy people of Boca Raton, Florida should limit themselves to political matters involving the City of Boca Raton, and the Palm Beach County, and the State of Florida. And of national matters through their member of the US House of Representatives, and the Senators of Florida in Congress.
Oh yes, there are some special districts, the Palm Beach (public)school district. And the selection of the member for their district of the South Florida alligator and shark census board.
March 19, 2009 Now, you hate-filled ultraconservative Utah Mormon Republicans, I have some for you. Let me dish it up. About American Express. How many pre approved charge card and credit card offers did you send me? The phoney American Express cards included in the offers have various merit. I still use the green card refrigerator magnet, and the gold card also.
Now I responded to your pre approved offer of the credit card. I object to what you did. I did not out of the blue apply for your credit card. You placed a black mark on my credit report. What kind of business practice is that. Where do I place the black mark upon you? You can do your examination of my credit report before you offer the card to me can you not. Would you like to promise the general public to behave better in the future? And go fire the people who devised that scheme of offering your cards. And especially fire the people who are placing black marks on credit reports.
It is a shame what you have made of that fine american company.
March 16, 2009 Did HSBC get any stimulus money? I OBJECT. So many attempts did they make to get ME to take a credit card. Why? What were they up to? Give credit to anyone, then put them onto penalty rates of interest? That is not proper activity for a reputable bank.
March 04, 2009 So Ben refuses to say what banks received stimulus money.
Did Capital One bank get any? If so I OBJECT.
I have complained to the regulator of Capital One, the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. Now what kind of a thing is it to do, for the regulator of a bank to let an officer of the bank reply to the complaint. You should investigate it, and punish the bank. I do not think Capital One is fit to have a banking license in the USA, at least not as more than an Edge Act Bank.
February 27, 2009 It bothers me that the media contains assertions that there is no choice to the stimulus and budget adopted or proposed.
This Genie-in-the-Bottle is right here. And how many more of us are there?
The "economics" experts may think there is no alternative. But they know nothing about modern "economics". How can they? I have not told them.
February 24, 2009 Guess I should place something in my web log from time to time.
So the President reached out across the aisle, and someone put a note in his hand. He pulled it back and read, "destroy the Social Security System, use the Limberger method."
How to answer that, with the famous military phrase, "Nuts" written in big letters across the note, then fold it up into a paper airplane, and return it across the aisle via air mail.
February 03, 2009 Restated from last year's blog...
November 26, 2008 Way to print and pass out the money... This "economic" problem could have been solved at almost no cost. But that is not the free market and capitalist way.
November 10, 2008 So on to the economics conference.... we want our money back. And when you get (the money) here deposit it in Edge Act banks... Actually, I wonder what demands the foreigners are planning to bring to the economics conference.
January 23, 2008. Interest Rate Cut, Tax Rebate. How much does that stimulate the USA "economy?" How much does it stimulate the trade deficit, and the outflow of US Dollars? Wonder if there is a way to stimulate employment and production in the USA without the outflow?
My blog for July 2007 thru Dec. 2007.