<BGSOUND SRC="/shaun20dmx/userfiles:/user/freak.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Hello, welcome to the crossroads... From here, many different paths may be taken. I have alot of pictures on my site for you to see.   I also have alot of other interesting links that I hope you take the time to check out.  I created this site completely by myself.  Well, I hope you like it.. shaun  ;-)
Labor Day beach trip (pics)
My Dawgs(pics)
College Grades
Very beautiful flowers in our yard... well planted..(pics)
My Yahoo Messenger Name: shaun20dmx
My e-mail address: shaun20dmx@yahoo.com
My ICQ #: 39746397
Alot of love goes out to my best friend luke for putting his mind to what he had to do and making a change.  I wish you the best of luck to you in all you do.  Remember, the sky is the limit, nobody can stop me now.  On luv bigg dawg!!
your froggy dawg V :-)
My Dedication To Tupac Shukar
My New Silly Pic Page
I am just acting like this is my table and schooling deeze old foolz...
From left to right:  Jason, Shaun (me), and Dustin.  We were at a wedding.
This pic is from Ocean City.  Tony (left) and I (right) decided to take a dip in the ocean about 4 a.m. the same night we arrived at the beach. 
On wall at Ocean City
Shaun (Me-Left) and Tony (Right) Driving home from Ocean City Maryland.  Buckle up them belts!!!
Page of pics designed 1-2-01 (New Pics)
Ocean City 2000, designed 1-3-01 (New Pics)
New Years Party 2001, designed 1-9-01 (Party Pics)
Now you know I can't forget about Ashley, the precious sister that I never had... She is actually my neighbor, and has been all my life now.. You like the pic ashley??... If annybody out there wanna chat with her.. you have to add her aol name to your aol Instant Messenger - but I must warn you, she has a boyfriend!!!... her aol name is "PlayboyBunny727" 

I love you Ashes.... Shaun
Ocean City MD 2001 Beachlife