I've seen many sites about animals and everything else, well, here's a site about my animals..

I have a pitbull puppy, 10 month old female. I've heard so many stories about how pitbulls are mean and they aren't good around children and that if I'm thinking about having kids, I shouldn't get one. Most people are wrong. My puppy, named Dutchess is a sweetheart. This dog has a good temperment and wouldn't hurt anything, unless someone was trying to hurt her owners. She loves kids too. A 3 year old boy, everyone knows how kids are, pulling hair running up on them, pulling the tail, ran up behind her and pulled her tail and her hair, you know what she did, Dutchess turned around and licked him. She didn't care that he was doing that.      Not every pitbull is mean. It all depends on how the owner raises it. I want my dog to be nice, but protective in a bad situation. Not mean all the time. Dutchess came into our family when she was 6 months old. She was scared, she had been moved around alot. All she needed was lots of love and attention. Now, she thinks that she's a lap dog. She's almost full grown, and they do get pretty big, but she thinks that she's a puppy again and weighs about 15 pounds, but she's not. 
I'm just writing up a site to let people know what I think of these types of dogs. I didn't want one. I always thought that they were just mean, that that's how they were, then my boyfriend wanted one and his friends had one, and I seen that they weren't all mean. I learned that people make them mean, that they make them mean to fight them. I don't believe in fighting my dog. She's like a child to me, and I know that there is a lot of people out there who think the same thing too. She eats when we eat, she sleeps on a bed, she goes in the car with us, she's my baby.  I don't know what I would do without her.

Well, right now my boyfriend Jeremy is serving time in the county jail. So, that's pretty much why I've had the time to do all this. If he wasn't there, then I wouldn't have access to a computer like I do now.
Thank you everyone who visits.. just please sign the guestbook and let me know what you think of my site and what you think of my puppy Dutchess.. thanks


Watch out for your dog!
~*Nichole's Page*~
The top two pictures are my 10 month old Pitbull named Dutchess..These one's aren't that great, but I will have more on there soon. She thinks that she's a lap dog, not a fighter dog. She'd rather lick something then hurt it. That's the way that I want her too.
The maroon 1988 Thunderbird. That car was the shit. I loved it so much. It had a 5.0 in it, with dual straight pipes.. I would love to have that car again, but it probably won't happen.
Dutchess at 10 months (down)
Dutchess at 10 months (down)
1988 Ford Thunderbird (down)