Moving along....
(adventure 5b)
playin with that level again
hurry up  -  it's gettin dark
Pressing right along with our backyard and pond construction.
We welcome you into our little paridise (in the making).
Becky caught me playing with the level again.  I am preparing a patio area with limestone. Brent is my supervisor :)
Once it is leveled, tamped, leveled, tamped
several times...then the pavers go down,
brushed silica sand, tamped again ...
swept real good....    Well it was definatly dark when completed, but still just a one day job. (a long day well spent)
Wayne and our good friend Scott, installed a 430 gal. pond that  is home to several baby koi. Granddaughter Shea also helped Poppy with the installation.
She is good at being Poppy's sidekick, and his number #1 fan! This pond installed quickly, and was accomplished all in a days work!
The small pond is 16 inches below ground level and 20 inches above ground.
...3' deep x 32" wide x 9' long
Appx. Gals. 430
Folding the liner in formal ponds can be somewhat of a problem.
Scott mastered these corners with perfection! And it looked beautiful.
A Nice Finishing Touch.....
See our babies :)
coming soon
just finished another pond..
...pix soon ;)
to main pond contruction
check out our "Our Koi Adventure" pages
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