Our Koi Pond - How it Developed
( Adventure 5 )
Wayne & Becky
welcome you to our
backyard get-away
This is how it started....
...small pond on each side of the bridge.
....fish load too heavy
...six levels of deck
...and the yard looked nice at this point...

but still too much grass to mow   ;)
We had researched alot and
determined that laying out a hose
is best first step.
...so after taking out the bridge
and Before the 2 ponds came out,
I then threw out the garden hose  ;)
there goes the yard
....moved the hose and got out
the old can of red spray paint.

My friend Dan and his bobcat-backhoe
sure came in handy here

We are shooting for an hourglass
shape with square , formal edging.
good God Gerdie, what a ....
2nd shift on duty.....wait, that's still me
All this in One day  (wheeeuw)
and it was the hottest day of the year
at 102 with a 90% humidity...
hard pack clay was tough but very
stable...added 2-3 " of sand on
on bottom, then hit the
air conditiong inside...
...we were drained , but just
L@@K at that hole....
...could almost see koi swimmin...
At the end of day two,
accomplishments were :
a continous level top edge within 1/8 "
skimmer set , biofalls box set ,
The falls end (inlet) starts at 3 feet
deep and slopes down to the
deep end to 4 feet or so.
The best is yet to come
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