Welcome to my Guestbook!

Steve Curry - 11/26/00 02:07:57
My Email:6370 College St. #51 Beaumont
State: Texas
Vehicle year: 1988
Vehicle type: Samuari
Whats up, I have a zuk with 13" of lift soon to be more. It has 16/38.5/15 super swampers on 15/12 inch wheels. It is all suzuki except for the toyota axles. The motor has a cam, header, and weber carb. The axles have 5.29 gears, and the trasfer case has a calmini gear reduction kit. I have looked into lightings kit, I don't think it will take that much lift. You might look into a adapter to run a toyota or dana 300 transfer case. Both of these are about 13" long and with a th350 will be about 2" shorter than the suzuki set up. This is a friends computer that I am on. If you would like to talk you can reach me at 409-658-2080. Good luck, I hope it works out for you.

Steve Curry - 11/26/00 01:47:35
My Email:6370 College St. Beaumont

Mike Mazalin - 11/22/00 01:22:31
My Email:dunebuggys@hotmail.com
State: Nova Scotia
Vehicle year: 88
Vehicle type: sami
just fixing the e-mail address ps. your site is COOL

Mike Mazalin - 11/22/00 01:03:15
My URL:dunebuggys@hotmail.com
State: Nova Scotia/Canada
Vehicle year: 1988
Vehicle type: Suzuki Samurai(lifted)
Thanks for your idea of an costom SPOA. I have done it to my Sami + 1/2 ton chevy leaf springs & 2" shackle giving it a total of 9" lift. I have 33" cat trac mud tires on it now but i want to get 35"'s or 36"'s for it. P.S. You should include that you must extend and bend the steering rod.

Chris Slentz - 11/08/00 04:16:04
My URL:cas123z@aol.com
My Email:Carlisle
State: PA
Vehicle year: 87
Vehicle type: Samurai hardtop
I love the site...... It gave me the final kick in the ass that I needed to buy one of these little monsters.... I hauled it home yesterday from the inner city of Philly.... Tonight I replaced the carb\manifold (from the spare motor that came with it) And for the first time today I went fourwheeling in a Suzuki.... What a rush, I made it up a hill that my my old Range rover would not climb.... But anyhow..... Keep up the cool site, and I hope to soon send you pictures of my transformed Samurai.....

RANGER RICK - 10/15/00 16:20:41
My URL:http://rangerrickone@hotmail.com
My Email:nashville
State: IN
Vehicle year: 88
Vehicle type: sami
i like your site and your truck.i was at ft bragg in the early 70s-special forces-i too am a fireman,29 years vol.i have an 88 sami 76" tall 72" wide,4.3,lockers.14x33 boggers,12,000#winch, and other goodies.hope to see you on the trails sometime,ranger ick

Samit Patel - 10/13/00 01:08:16
My URL:http://patelvinod@aol.com
My Email:953 Park Ave, South Lake Tahoe
State: CA
Vehicle year: 1986
Vehicle type: Suzuki Samurai
My sami has 33X12.50 MTR from Goodyear. The tires are on 15 X 8 rock crawler black wheels, with 2" of back spacing. To turn the meats I have 5.43 in the axles and a 4 to 1 in the tranny, the motor is stock 1300cc. EZ locker in the front axle and ARB in th rear axles. Both front and rear axles are stock. The lift is a prototype coil converstion from shaffer off-roading. The winch bumper, rear bumper, rock rails are home made. In side the sami are custom seat, 6 point roll cage, home made axle & hi-lift hol er, safari doors and a fold down wind sheild kit. Know Behind the sami I tow a Zuki trailer. The trailer is SPOA, with 31x10.50 tires on 15x8 wheels. The tub of the trailer is a Zuki tub. The tub look like a mini Zuki, because the front clip and stock fro t bumper are all welded together. The trailer also has the large light in the front of the tub. The only thing missing on the trailer is a go paint job to match my Sami.

louis angel - 09/18/00 01:11:11
My URL:iqathem1@aol.com
My Email:san jose
State: calif
Vehicle year: 88.5
Vehicle type: samurai
my 88.5 samurai is lifed 4inches,235x15 wranglers,homemade trail rack that also holds 5-gals of gas,homemade light bar with 2-lights.i can go anywhere a jeep can and then some,who say's size maters!!!she's my mountain goat!!!!

mike palmer - 09/07/00 18:59:39
My URL:http:// slowplke692@yahoo.com
My Email:913va beach blvd. apt. 145 23451
State: va.
Vehicle year: 87
Vehicle type: samurai
cant wait to see it ( just jump ship ) so you can have it done by spring

Nick Matello - 06/29/00 18:01:30
My URL:zeppathecat@cs.com
My Email:columbus
State: oh
Vehicle year: 88
Vehicle type: samurai
Could you please email, i have some very important questions about your 4.3L please email me back, thanks nick

MOM - 06/04/00 14:27:50
State: OH

Gino Sobrito - 05/07/00 06:27:58
My URL:/spodeboy2000
My Email:Big Bear Lake
State: Ca.
Vehicle year: 88
Vehicle type: zuk
Hey bro, Nice rig! I saw your post on the net and was wondering if you could tell me the part number for the extra long shocks that you were refering to. I have the Rocky Road 5.5" SPOA with 2" longer shackles. Do you think that they will work? gino@bbv.net

Ralph painter - 04/12/00 03:40:15
My Email:Thornport
State: OH
Vehicle year: 87
Vehicle type: Sami

Rick Munn - 03/26/00 03:05:34
My URL:http://adpromo@telus.com
My Email:631 oxford ave
State: B.C.
Vehicle year: 86
Vehicle type: L.W.B. J.X.
It's for sale !

Robert Johnson - 03/17/00 22:50:59
My URL:http://Antioch@msn.com
Vehicle year: 88
Vehicle type: Samari
I too am building a rock climber, considering using a 2200R toyota engine, although I do have a chevy 4.3. I thought the weight might be a little much. Buying wheels and tires this week and looking for suspension lift and body lift to get clearance. 12 X 5 wheels with 12.5 X 30 Thornbirds. Will send info as project progresses.

jason mooney - 03/01/00 23:47:05
My Email:countryboy@hotmail.com
State: ohio
Vehicle year: 99
Vehicle type: chevy dually 4x4
hi guys ! you're site is cool brian tell nikki to watch her f---in mouth. keep in touch gotta go

Michael Goldwire - 02/01/00 06:53:21
Your site sucks. Its the worst site on earth.

PouinPouin - 01/24/00 23:13:20
Super Sammy Power !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stu nelson - 01/23/00 17:52:35
My URL:http://stu@hotmail.com
My Email:ce compound
State: nc
Vehicle year: 98
Vehicle type: cherokee
nice picture driving the fire truck

John - 01/07/00 01:00:53
State: Texas
Vehicle year: 88
Vehicle type: Samurai
Like your site, cool pic's on the new site. Can't wait to read the trail stores soon! Good luck on your Project, v-6 w/ Dana's will look bad ass!

pete matos - 01/04/00 23:43:43
My URL:http://www.fzrpete@webtv.net
My Email:jay kerr road , rockford
State: tennessee
Vehicle year: 1989
Vehicle type: bronco
i luv sami's, just checkin' out your page to learn more about them before i actually buy one..

- 12/21/99 23:07:22

kelly shaw - 11/20/99 17:47:20
My URL:ftlmr@uaf.edu
State: alaska
Vehicle year: 87
Vehicle type: samurai
great webpage! It's fun just to see what others are doing to there zukis!

Kyle Doles - 11/11/99 20:07:31
My URL:ThatGuyKyle@hotmail.com
My Email:17316 St Rd 37
State: Harlan, IN
Vehicle year: 1988
Vehicle type: Suzuki Samuri JX
I just wanted to tell you that you have a bad ass suzuki. I've never seen one so jacked up as yours is. I havent done a thing to mine but i've been thinking about doing something. Send me any info you have about sami's please. Thanks

RYAN - 10/09/99 03:20:16
My URL:http://rednecksami@webtv.net
My Email:chauvin
State: Louisiana
Vehicle year: 1988.5
Vehicle type: Suzuki Samurai 4X4
cool site man go for it!

Jack McKeithen - 09/12/99 01:54:15
My URL:jackandamy@centuryinter.net
My Email:2103 Austin Road Jena La. 71342
State: Louisiana
Vehicle year: 88
Vehicle type: Samari
I like the web site wish i knew how to go about it thanks for the info. you sent.Keep up the good work

derek - 09/06/99 19:23:21
My URL:http://suzisam2@aol.com
State: MA
Vehicle year: 87
Vehicle type: Samurai
Nice site... good luck with the Dana's

john - 08/11/99 21:57:47
My URL:joharapp@aol.com
My Email:p.o. box 3435
State: ca
Vehicle year: 1986
Vehicle type: suzuki samurai
thanks for all the help that you have gave to me at this time i hope to keep in touch with you a lot I like the idea that I have a friend now that has one of these little moster trucks look forwords to talking to you more

Anton Sheng - 08/05/99 05:23:12
My URL:suzuki_samurai@hotmail.com
My Email:80 Matheson Ave e
State: Manitoba Canada
Vehicle year: 1987
Vehicle type: Suzuki SamuraiJA
Hi im 12 yrs old and have the most awsome off-road SUV in the world! I plan to put a SPOA lift with a Calmini 3" bodi lift. And get new suspensions.Nice page Please e-mail me on these questions- do u use stock enging, t-case and diffs on that monster you ave? well c ya 8~)

Niki Conrad - 08/04/99 01:25:14
My URL:http://MUSNIK1@aol.com
My Email:same as yours
State: NC
Vehicle year: 2000
Vehicle type: Dodge
I love you very much, but dammit, change your F--- web page so no women think you're still single and avalable okay honey? I love you! : )

Scott - 07/09/99 18:27:48
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members7/sevans9398/index.html
My Email:Big D
State: Texas
Vehicle year: 99
Vehicle type: Corolla--I think it is about the size of your front tire.
Look at you, you're all grown up. Keep in touch BC and I'll talk to ya later.

Eric Westover - 06/16/99 05:37:43
State: idaho
Vehicle year: 87
Vehicle type: sami
Your site is cool 36s on a sami is sweet I want to do the same thing on mine but still let it articulate very well. My zuk is SPOA with 3" nationals and shackles GRS1 5.43 gears rear locker and many other custom stuff

Lars (Less) Noldan - 06/15/99 15:10:42
My URL:noldanla@otcwi.com
My Email:2833 N. University Dr. #101
State: Wisconsin
Vehicle year: 86 Samurai (Sgt. Sami)
Vehicle type: 94 Del Sol (Type-S Race Car)
Need Info on Raising my Sami (30" XLT's) I like how bad ass your truck looks.

- 05/28/99 20:12:43
Vehicle year: 88
Vehicle type: Samuari
Nice site, keep on going and I'll check up on you every now and then.

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