Welcome to our Guestbook!

Tara LeFrense - 12/07/00 22:18:35
My Email:lefrense@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: surfing
Great page Cheryl. Keep up the good work girls!

Kelly MacArthur - 11/07/00 02:20:07
My Email:kelleymacarthur@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: You told me how!!!
LOVE IT!!!!!

K Lindsay - 11/05/00 00:48:32
Hey this was a pretty good page except you need to write down the steps of the more popular dances because it could be really useful for dancers like me wnating to review my steps thanx i hope you take this suggestion into consideration Thanx K Lindsay

Meghan - 11/01/00 04:38:58
My Email:mkfranci@is2.dal.ca
How did you find us?: just browsing
Great job on the site Cheryl...Glad to see some familiar faces on the web... Say hi to everyone!!

Canda Lynn MacPherson - 10/31/00 18:52:06
My Email:candalynn6@hotmail.com
Awesome! Your pictures are great!

Lisa - 10/25/00 02:01:23
My Email:xlisa77@hotmail.com
Hey everyone!

Lee Ann (Boudreau) Bragg - 10/04/00 14:59:03
My Email:c.bragg@ns.sympatico.ca
How did you find us?: Didn't know you were lost! hehehe
Great site! Can't wait for my Jewel to start!!!! PS- Hi KA!

Danielle - 09/11/00 23:47:48
My Email:cdmcdnl@mta.ca
Good to see that the school is still running without me! Make sure you keep me updated on everything, now, Cheryl! :)

Katy Dillon - 08/17/00 14:54:25
My URL:http://www.wvhighlanddancers.homestead.com/dancers.html
My Email:kdillon17@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: through the dancers webring
This is a nice page. I'd love to see your group perform sometime. Cute costumes!

michelle - 08/13/00 14:19:02
My Email:megz@ns.sympatico.ca
How did you find us?: heather's highland closet
i would like to view your website

Deb - 08/03/00 18:09:53
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/misc/cdnmama
My Email:cdnmama@ivillage.com
How did you find us?: you signed my guestbook :)
Thanks for the comments in my guestbook :) Your trip does sound familiar too. I'd love to get my girls into Highland dancing. Your site inspired me into making some calls about it. You've done a very good job on your site. The pictures are wonderful and i 's easy to navigate around the pages :) ~~ Deb

John Allen - 08/01/00 04:19:12
My URL:http://www.cybamall.com/absolute
My Email:johnpaulallen@juno.com
How did you find us?: I followed the bread crumbs.
Well, my wife is tucked in for the night. She has to get up early and drive across town (Houston) and I'm here on the love seat keeping Honeypot (one of our dogs) happy. i don't have to get up early because I work for the local school district and it is summer (one of the benefits). I will be up at the same time she is because I like to make her coffee and walk her to her van before I come back inside and finish the rest of the pot.Anyway, ZDTV is on the television and I'm getting ready to make another rink. What better time to visit (surf) websites. I think I do this so I can see how much work I need to do. Very nice place you've got here...come and visit, you'll feel even better about your work! If you are on a roll take a look at the site my wife and I have together at: http://www.angelfire.com/tx/Allenx5 You might enjoy yourself.

Sharyn Brennan - 07/27/00 18:42:14
My Email:gbrennan@symaptico.nstn.ca
How did you find us?: my daughter
Good Job on the site Cheryl! Be back to visit soon

Audrey Arsenault - 06/26/00 18:49:50
My Email:audreya@ns.sympatico.ca
How did you find us?: Just surfing the net for highland dance information!
I was very impressed with the site, and plan to visit it again. I am Holly Arsenault's mom, and it was very neat to find her name in the lists of results.

Michelle Hundt - 06/23/00 02:45:06
My Email:highlandgirl84@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: searching and surfing!
Hey there all you cool Highland people! I'm a highland dancer too, as you may have guessed by my e-mail address. I'm from Kitchener, Ontario, and I dance in the premier category. I train at Attitudes in Dance with Lesley Bluhm. I was out east a couple years ago, and I was blown away by the number of dancers there are! It was very impressive. Thanks for such a great website. I love finding sites that are about highland dancing, and they're hard to come by. Thanks!

Michelle Mc Mullin - 06/20/00 13:55:35
My Email:michellemcmullin87@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: Through A Friend
Very Good Site!

Stella ( MacDonald )MacPherson - 06/13/00 14:59:51
How did you find us?: Heard through Jocelyn
Hi Karenanne Great to see you in Port Hawkesbury. Brought back some good old memories. My daughter Leah is only 2 but I went home and started paudy pas (spelling??) ha. Can't wait to be a dancing mom. Keep up this great page. Love Stella.

Danielle - 06/12/00 19:50:53
Hey Cheryl! I was trying to figure this out for a while, but I keep forgetting to ask you... Who's the girl with Jessica in the picture from the Halifax comp? It's not Morganne is it?

sarah brennan - 06/11/00 19:25:35
How did you find us?: surfed
good site!!!!!

Amy - 06/10/00 00:03:19
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Meadow/6705
My Email:aldance10@hotmail
How did you find us?: News Buliton
nice page

Sarahjayne Adams - 05/29/00 01:33:44
My Email:sarahjayne_adams@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: Searching
I used to do highland dancing and reaaly enjoyed it then I had to move to American Samoa and there are no teachers here so I had to quit. I would love it if you could keep in touck with me. Love your web page it rocks. Love Sarah

rose romard and blaire-lindsay - 05/27/00 22:15:39
My Email:blair.cooke@ns.sympatico.ca
How did you find us?: searched nova scotia highland dancing
Loved all the info. Blaire-Lindsay was delighted that someone posted the results. I think you are doing a great job with the pictures. We had a great time on your site. Will be checking it more often now that we know its there. See ya! Rose and Blaire-Lindsay

tanya - 05/24/00 17:10:09
My Email:cbailey@netbistro.com
How did you find us?: just browsing on the internet
Great Web Site to Find. It has proven to be quite helpful and informative for me. I grew up in NS and now live in BC and my 6yr old has just started Highland dancing in April. And, I was wondering if there is a "Nova Scotia Dress Tartan" made rather than just the provincial NS tartan? IF so, could you please send me the info. as to where I could get this tartan, so I can get a kilt made for my daughter. Thanks so much. Regards, T. Milner Prince George, BC

Beth Johnston - 05/09/00 01:21:33
My Email:beth.jim@ns.sympatico.ca
How did you find us?: A friend mentioned told me
Hey good to see that you have a site on the net!! I love being able to see the competition results. Very informative!!

Madelyn Wilson - 05/01/00 15:53:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/madelyn.wilson/index.html
My Email:highland_dancer@usa.net
How did you find us?: Email List
Love your page! I have 2 sisters and a brother in Cape Breton. I am a Premier Dancer from Ontario, and will possibly be going Manitoba way soon...I just love reading the results! It let's me know what I'll be up against if I ever get down there to compete!

Kristina Parks - 04/28/00 21:41:14
My Email:krisi_P@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: webRing
Nice page : ) Damsha Breacan is a really great troupe, Ive seen you guys dance many places around the Maritimes. Im a premier level dancer from New Brunswick... Anyways, Im just surfing the net from any info on highland dance for a project, and also some tuff on Sandra Bald Jones, Ann Milne, and Colleen Rintamacki for the same project. If anyone knows how to get some info on any of these people, could they email me plz?? Thanx!!!

Harriet Smith - 04/21/00 04:08:13
My Email:smithjr@ionet.net
How did you find us?: the "list"
Great photo layup with the changing pictures you don't get bored. I can only hope our web site turns out as good someday.

kelly "the dancer" macarthur - 04/16/00 23:05:51
looking good !!!!!!!!

Ruth Ann Swansburg - 04/13/00 16:58:16
My Email:ruthie1@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: Heard from Dianne
Great site Cheryl...Nice to see someone else in the family is web designing. It's a great way for me to keep up on what the girls are doing. Say hi to everyone in CB. -Ruth Ann

Lisa Matthews - 04/05/00 02:04:32
My Email:X99fiz@stfx.ca
Great web page! It makes you want to dance when you see all the fun everyone is having in the pictures.

kelly macarthur - 03/18/00 17:47:53
How did you find us?: member
wonderful site-hi Layton's

Diane Layton - 03/04/00 23:37:36
My Email:di.charl@ns.sympatico.ca
How did you find us?: a little bird told me
So glad to have had a peek at your web sight! It was super!!! and to have known so many of the lovely young ladies....I always had a dream as a wee girl and that was to be a highland dancer! Alas, it never came to be. BUT now through my grand daughters I am a highland dancer!!!!

Deb - 02/15/00 23:37:17
My Email:gottabeme99@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: you told me how...
The girls at the ECMA...very impressive!

Reenie - 02/12/00 14:14:16
I was at the ECMA'S last week and I saw this group dancing. I was very impressed with the caliber of the dancers. Thanks for the great performance and I'm sure I'll be seeing more of you in the future.

Kay Warcup - 02/08/00 15:00:35
My URL:http://www.whitespo.ca/pipeband
My Email:kaytbones@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: Can.Moms Webring
Hi there, Really good Website. Loved all your pictures. 3 of my 5 children are in the Whitespot Pipe Band in B.C. and the little one is the bands mascot so we are around highland dancing all the time. Our band is the only one in Western Canada (even in all of Canad that we know of) that has dancers in it. Visit our website - www.whitespot.ca/pipeband

Kay Warcup - 02/08/00 14:57:49
My Email:kaytbones@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: Can.Moms Webring
Hi there, Really good Website. Loved all your pictures. 3 of my 5 children are in the Whitespot Pipe Band in B.C. and the little one is the bands mascot so we are around highland dancing all the time. Our band is the only one in Western Canada (even in all of Canad that we know of) that has dancers in it. Visit our website - www.whitespot.ca/pipeband

Marnie - 02/07/00 12:22:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/highlandancer
My Email:highlandancer@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: Cheryl's posting on the Highland Dance Email List
I saw the dancers perform last night for the ECMA and thought they were great. This is such a great website, keep up the good work!

Sherry Sim Nagle - 11/03/99 18:34:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/deasim
My Email:jnagle@execulink.com
How did you find us?: Surfing
I am a dance teacher in Ontario. It is facinating to see all the different information on all the highland dance sites. This one is great!

Karon Gillan Mura - 11/01/99 22:10:12
My Email:kmura.sae.net
Loved your site. I went to Gaelic College for 3 years ( many years ago) and visited many times after that.

Lynda Bork - 10/13/99 00:33:11
How did you find us?: Surfing The Net
This is my sisters Dance School and I am very proud of her and her accomplishments.My daughter Alex is now a student and competes in Primary Great Job on the Web Page Cheryl !!!!!

Lynda Bork - 10/13/99 00:27:14
How did you find us?: Surfing The Net

- 10/06/99 15:34:44

Barb Murphy - 10/04/99 15:53:05
My Email:bmurphy@princeton.edu
How did you find us?: just browsing
My daughter has been a dancer for eight years. She dances with Sandra Weyman in Pennsylvania. Though we have no Scottish Heritage, we have learned to Love the culture and the dance. Nice page.

Alex Milne - 09/29/99 11:43:34
My URL:http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/normalex/
My Email:normalex@ns.sympatico.ca
How did you find us?: Surfing
Hello from the Annapolis Valley. Great site. Our two girls dance, Catherine and Connie Tweedie. Keep spreading the word about Highland Dance.

Kate Young - 09/06/99 00:26:06
My Email:youngka@omege.lorto.vic.edu.au
How did you find us?: On a page
I do Highland Dancing the VSU and I have been for 14 years. I didn't not now there was so many ther stuth on the internet out it. It's really good to see that. love kate

Jessica McKenna - 08/17/99 00:32:20
My Email:dajes@ns.sympatico.ca
How did you find us?: surfing highland dance sites
Hi Jocelyn Rose!

Debora MacAulay-Doucette - 08/03/99 13:58:07
My Email:doucette.macaulay@sympatico.ca
How did you find us?: Looking for Memorial High School - found you instead!
It was a pleasant surprise finding this site. I have many great memories of my days with the troupe. Best of luck to all the dancers - keep up the good work!

Kelly Gates - 07/06/99 16:33:48
My Email:mmjg@sprint.ca
How did you find us?: surfing around
I am 10 11/12 years old, and have been a highland dancer since I was 3. My teacher is Sandra Bald Jones, I live in Hamilton, Ontario. This is a neat site. Some day I want to dance in competitions in Nova Scotia and PEI and stuff. Hi to all my really cool riends in my premier group, hi Nichelle, Alex, Jody, Beth, Brenna, Sarah, Kayleigh, Jessalyn, Taylor, Aidon, Bridget, Bridget, JEssica, Kiersten, Rachel, Lyndsay, Karina, Shari, Daniel, Samantha, Kinberleigh, Gordon, Bryan, Vanessa, Kristen, Kelly V, Mari lle, Cristina, Ann, Anne, Katie, Alison, ALlisnon, Meaghan, Sarah Bird, Kyle, Natalie, Heather, Patrick, Hope, Jaqueline, Hannah, Kristen, Victoria (ducky), Alina, and that's about all I can think of at the top of my head, sorry if I missed anyone.

Natasha Anderson - 05/24/99 02:18:44
My Email:andersonnatasha@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: Was looking for a web site on Sydney Mines Memorial High and found this instead
I think it really good. Keep up the good work. Highland dancing is really cool

Sue Burgoyne - 03/17/99 00:41:48
My Email:stellar@pop.ihug.co.nz
How did you find us?: Looking for Highland Dancing
Lovely to see such a professional Dance School

Ronster - 03/15/99 21:30:26
My URL:http://www.netcolony.com/members/ronsplace/index.html
My Email:rallison@ns.sympatico.ca
How did you find us?: Friend
Very nice page!Lots of info about our island,and it's culture...keep up the good work...will check back...for sure....

Maggie MacIntyre - 03/11/99 20:21:57
My Email:highland_dancer@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: surfed in
Great Page. I'm a dancer from Peace River, Alberta (about 500km north of Edmonton). In the prosess of setting up page for the dance school here. Just getting ideas.

Deb Murray - 02/26/99 16:39:21
My Email:murr@auracom.com
How did you find us?: one of my students found the site after my sister asked me to find it
Looks great, will continue to drop in and have a "gawk"

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