Welcome to the Vince Resor Family Web Site
My site is dedicated to travel, photography, golf and other stuff of questionable value. This is the 2008
Recap Edition and the highlights of our 2008 are presented in chronological order. Thanks for visiting.
It was another dynamic year for our family as well as our country and the road ahead is bound to be an interesting one. It all began back in January with the Buckeye's second consecutive appearance in the National Championship Game. Since that didn't go so well, we will start with the Old Man's Cave Winter Hike. We have made the hike from Old Man's Cave to Ash Cave on the 3rd Saturday in January a dozen times, but this was only Reagan's second. The bean soup and corn bread at the Cedar Falls half way point was a real highlight.
Vince had some mid-winter business in West Palm Beach on Florida's east coast that let Angie and Reagan tag along. While mostly work for Vince, the girls enjoyed a break from the Ohio winter and a few walks on the beach.
After a few years with the 75 gallon Cichlid aquarium prominently displayed in our family room, we finally started a marine aquarium. What was an exceedingly expensive hobby back in my Aquarium Mike's days in San Diego has now become quite affordable thanks to revolutions in water chemistry management and small tanks called nanoreefs. Our's is a Biocube 14 and it sits happily on our kitchen counter. Among its inhabitants are a large torch coral, a big colony of green star polyps, a Crocea clam, several mushrooms and zoanthid colonies, two shrimp and three fish: a clown, a six line wrasse and a green watchman goby names Dr. Seuss.
Vince's 17th annual Myrtle Beach golf trip was a success, if only for its comraderie and entertainment value. It's hard to get a decent golf game going in late February.
It was a busy spring for Vince at Chardon Laboratories. Presentations, trade shows like the NFMT in Baltimore, R&D meetings, new products and opportunities created by our chemical-free PowerPure system kept him moving. Angie continues to work at Urology Surgeons and has now been there for ten years. She works three days a week, but 10-12 hour days make it feel more like full time. Reagan finished Kindergarten and is now in first grade at Eli Pinney Elementary School. She loves school and her teacher, Mrs. Weirich. Reagan is an avid reader and writer. She spends hours writing and illustrating her own books. Her current project is The Lonely Tree on Jolly Cat Ridge. Check back soon for a downloadable copy.
We spent spring break in Sanibel again this year. Pointe Santo is so relaxing and so comfortable that it's hard to think about going somewhere else. The beach is wide, the shells infinitely abundant, the food good and the weather ideal. In addition to lots of swimming and reading palm trees, we kayaked in Pine Island Sound and even snorkeled some this year.
The Resor Family Reunionette was in Shenandoah National Park this year. We all stayed in a couple large cabins, told lots of stories, ate good food and hiked the Blue Ridge on trails ranging from easy walks out to rock outcrops to ten milers up and down 2400' canyons.
Vince and Angie celebrated their 15th anniversary this year during a weekend in Chicago. The weather was outstanding and while we missed Reagan, it was great to get away together and just relax.
Tennis has become a true passion for Reagan. She has been with the same coach, Miss Rebecca, since she was three years old. She is currently taking two clinics a week at an indoor club. Beginning in January, she will be in an official United Stated Tennis Association sanctioned league for players 10 and under. They will begin to play practice matches including singles, doubles and mixed doubles in preparation for eventually playing actual 10 and under matches across the state. We are all very excited for that program to begin. Reagan's interest has inspired Angie (who played varsity tennis in high school) to do a weekly clinic this winter, and to play in the neighborhood career tennis league this past summer. Vince continues to hack around the court and the three of us love hitting together as a family.
We spent a week in the Jackson Hole area of Wyoming hiking and camping in Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. Few landscapes are as recognizable on the American stage as the Teton Range. Our campsite at Signal Mountain was on a peninsula bluff overlooking Jackson Lake and the Teton Range. North in Yellowstone we spent two nights at the grand Old Faithful Inn followed by a night at Roosevelt Lodge. One highlight was the two hour horseback ride out to the chuckwagon dinner. Reagan drew a huge 16 hand horse named Crow that took care of her up steep switchbacks and across open meadows in Yellowstone's back country. We climbed Mt. Washburn (again). We hiked along the south rim of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. We saw the Grand Prismatic Spring. Wyoming is hard to beat. It's where the buffalo roam.
Hurricane Ike rocked Galveston, Texas on September 13th and then made its way up through the midwest toward Ohio. Hurricanes reaching Ohio are nothing new, but Ike did it without losing most of its intensity. Usually we get a few days of dense overcast and heavy rain, but Ike was different. Ike blew trees down, ripped roofs off and snapped power lines leaving over 2 million Ohio residents in the dark. Our power was out for four days. In a bit of irony, when AEP trucks and line workers headed to Texas to help storm victims, their good deed left Ohio with no one to bring the power back on. That's when America pulled together and line crews from across the country flooded into the upper midwest. We are so grateful to the electrical workers who left their families at home to help their neighbors here in central Ohio. The parking lot at our local Kroger was one of their base camps. Thank you guys.
 The Buckeyes beat the team up north for a record fifth straight time rounding out a good football season. We face Texas in the Fiesta Bowl on January 5th. Vince witnessed the Texas fanaticism firsthand at the AWT convention in Austin this year. It will be a tough game. The convention was good and Vince had a good time in Texas, but the real highlight was the few days of vacation in West Texas before the convention started. It started with an overnight backpack up Guadalupe Peak, the highpoint of Texas at 8,749 feet. It was windy and in the upper 30s and absolutely beautiful on summit morning. There wasn't another soul in sight. Vince spent another night camping in the Davis Mountains and then headed to Austin.
Reagan turned seven years old November 25th and we celebrated her birthday with the family on Thanksgiving day. A couple weeks later she had a swimming party with 12 of her friends at the Dublin Recreation Center. Two hours of swimming in winter was a welcome treat for all. All the kids had a wonderful time and it was quite a memorable event.
Our Christmas tradition is to share Christmas Eve with Angie's parents, Christmas Morning here at home and Christmas Day at my parents.