elsie - 08/11/00 19:53:04
My URL:http://expage.com/venenita
My Email:venenita@hotmail.com
Where you from?: Yauco, Puerto Rico
What's for favorite things?: have friends (prefer with my name)
is pretty your page. i have icq. my icq number is 69405834. i want to have a friend how to. please i don't stand a much english, so excuse my vocabulary. but i wnat your friendship. good bless you and your sons. the girls are pretty how the mother. bye
Gary and Joyce - 10/28/99 10:18:17
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/morecoins
My Email:oscartee@ruralnet.org
Where you from?: Ellenboro, WV
Great home page. You have done a very nice job and an interesting job as well. I hope you can find the time to stop by our place and visit a while. Thank you and God bless.
Ray - 10/20/99 23:04:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/rwill3746/index.html
My Email:Rwill3746@aol.com
Where you from?: Philadelphia Pa.
What's for favorite things?: Computer creativity
Hi Elsie, you have the makings of a great webpage.
you started out with pictures, that's great. every webpage should have photos instead of a lot of animation which causes the pages to load more slowly. Keep up the good work and God bless you.~~~Ray
You have a very nice site.You have adorable kids,I enjoyed my visit.Thanks for visiting us and signing our guestbook.
Mr. Wade - 09/02/99 12:25:42
My URL:http://www.suwanneevalley.net/~wadem
My Email:wadem@suwanneevalley.net
Where you from?: north central Florida, USA
What's for favorite things?: Football (American), boating (when I get the chance), movies, IRC, HTML authoring, reading,...
Best Site Visited?: http://bible.gospelcom.net/
Comments: Well, Elsie, I like the page. Someday soon, when I get the time, I'll actually get around to doing something with my own Website other than the silly page that is there now. Take care, and God
I can't believe I haven't signed this guestbook till now! How negligent of me!
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot:
Go, Canes!
Larriatt Tessnear - 08/26/99 14:35:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sc/magical
My Email:tessnear1@home.com
Hello I am a member of MM2000.You have a very cute daughter.I will have to keep checking back in to see what you will be doing to your site.
Kim - 08/25/99 13:29:32
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/mertandgerts
My Email:mertandgert@angelfire.com
Where you from?: pennsylvania
hi there..great site..and u have a great looking
family!!!...keep up the wonderful thing u r doing on your site...at this time i would like to extend a big warm welcome to MM2000!!!
Bobbie Sanders - 08/20/99 02:29:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Haven/4063
My Email:HTal532507@aol.com
Where you from?: Illinois
Just wanted to give you a big welcome to the
MM2000. Look forward to getting to know you
*Jade* - 08/19/99 18:15:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/jade823
My Email:erickson@teleclipse.net
Where you from?: Tennessee
It is great to have you here with us at MM2000....You have tow beautiful daughters =o) I really enjoyed my stay at your site.. *HUGS* *Jade*
You do indeed have a beautiful page. Your family is truly precious. *S*
Just wanted to welcome you to MM2000. It's so good to have you there with us.
Hope to get to know you better in the next few months
shurda - 06/16/99 03:40:26
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/MomirKostic
My Email:mkostic@hotmail.com
Where you from?: you know !
What's for favorite things?: chat with you
Best Site Visited?: your site
see you!
- 06/09/99 23:33:28
kathy - 05/30/99 20:20:29
Where you from?: Arizona
What's for favorite things?: not a lot of nothing
you have a very cute family. I hope you will all be well, and stay very happy.
kathy - 05/30/99 20:20:22
Where you from?: Arizona
What's for favorite things?: not a lot of nothing
you have a very cute family. I hope you will all be well, and stay very happy.
kathy - 05/30/99 20:20:12
Where you from?: Arizona
What's for favorite things?: not a lot of nothing
you have a very cute family. I hope you will all be well, and stay very happy.
Cathy Johnson - 04/06/99 00:35:19
Where you from?: Conneticut
What's for favorite things?: Surfing the net & my familly
Best Site Visited?: too many to name
You have a lovely family. Great homepage.!
Connie - 01/08/99 05:27:05
My URL:/Baja/Dunes/6858
My Email:Cinderella27@netscape.net
Where you from?: Va.
Hi there! I love what you've done so far on your homepage.! You work quick!
Connie - 01/08/99 05:24:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Baja/Dunes/
My Email:Cinderella27@netscape.net
Where you from?: Va.
Hi there! I love what you've done so far on your homepage.! You work quick!