Hey, Sign My Guestbook!

elsie - 08/11/00 19:53:04
My URL:http://expage.com/venenita
My Email:venenita@hotmail.com
Where you from?: Yauco, Puerto Rico
What's for favorite things?: have friends (prefer with my name)

is pretty your page. i have icq. my icq number is 69405834. i want to have a friend how to. please i don't stand a much english, so excuse my vocabulary. but i wnat your friendship. good bless you and your sons. the girls are pretty how the mother. bye

Gary and Joyce - 10/28/99 10:18:17
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/morecoins
My Email:oscartee@ruralnet.org
Where you from?: Ellenboro, WV

Great home page. You have done a very nice job and an interesting job as well. I hope you can find the time to stop by our place and visit a while. Thank you and God bless.

Ray - 10/20/99 23:04:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/rwill3746/index.html
My Email:Rwill3746@aol.com
Where you from?: Philadelphia Pa.
What's for favorite things?: Computer creativity

Hi Elsie, you have the makings of a great webpage. you started out with pictures, that's great. every webpage should have photos instead of a lot of animation which causes the pages to load more slowly. Keep up the good work and God bless you.~~~Ray

Random Acts of Kindness

Isabel - 10/19/99 13:27:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/2853/index.html
Where you from?: Canada

You have a very nice site.You have adorable kids,I enjoyed my visit.Thanks for visiting us and signing our guestbook.

Mr. Wade - 09/02/99 12:25:42
My URL:http://www.suwanneevalley.net/~wadem
My Email:wadem@suwanneevalley.net
Where you from?: north central Florida, USA
What's for favorite things?: Football (American), boating (when I get the chance), movies, IRC, HTML authoring, reading,...
Best Site Visited?: http://bible.gospelcom.net/


I can't believe I haven't signed this guestbook till now!  How negligent of me!

Well, Elsie, I like the page.  Someday soon, when I get the time, I'll actually get around to doing something with my own Website other than the silly page that is there now.  Take care, and God less!


Mr. Wade

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot:

Go, Canes!

Larriatt Tessnear - 08/26/99 14:35:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sc/magical
My Email:tessnear1@home.com

Hello I am a member of MM2000.You have a very cute daughter.I will have to keep checking back in to see what you will be doing to your site.

Kim - 08/25/99 13:29:32
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/mertandgerts
My Email:mertandgert@angelfire.com
Where you from?: pennsylvania

hi there..great site..and u have a great looking family!!!...keep up the wonderful thing u r doing on your site...at this time i would like to extend a big warm welcome to MM2000!!!

Bobbie Sanders - 08/20/99 02:29:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Haven/4063
My Email:HTal532507@aol.com
Where you from?: Illinois

Just wanted to give you a big welcome to the MM2000. Look forward to getting to know you better. Bobbie

*Jade* - 08/19/99 18:15:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/jade823
My Email:erickson@teleclipse.net
Where you from?: Tennessee

It is great to have you here with us at MM2000....You have tow beautiful daughters =o) I really enjoyed my stay at your site.. *HUGS* *Jade*

Visit Jade's Home

Tuesy - 08/18/99 22:04:16
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/tuesy
My Email:tuesy@hotmail.com
Where you from?: Virginia at the moment
What's for favorite things?: Making graphics, crafts and most important, my family

You do indeed have a beautiful page. Your family is truly precious. *S*
Just wanted to welcome you to MM2000. It's so good to have you there with us.
Hope to get to know you better in the next few months

shurda - 06/16/99 03:40:26
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/MomirKostic
My Email:mkostic@hotmail.com
Where you from?: you know !
What's for favorite things?: chat with you
Best Site Visited?: your site

see you!

- 06/09/99 23:33:28


kathy - 05/30/99 20:20:29
Where you from?: Arizona
What's for favorite things?: not a lot of nothing

you have a very cute family. I hope you will all be well, and stay very happy.

kathy - 05/30/99 20:20:22
Where you from?: Arizona
What's for favorite things?: not a lot of nothing

you have a very cute family. I hope you will all be well, and stay very happy.

kathy - 05/30/99 20:20:12
Where you from?: Arizona
What's for favorite things?: not a lot of nothing

you have a very cute family. I hope you will all be well, and stay very happy.

Cathy Johnson - 04/06/99 00:35:19
Where you from?: Conneticut
What's for favorite things?: Surfing the net & my familly
Best Site Visited?: too many to name

You have a lovely family. Great homepage.!

Connie - 01/08/99 05:27:05
My URL:/Baja/Dunes/6858
My Email:Cinderella27@netscape.net
Where you from?: Va.

Hi there! I love what you've done so far on your homepage.! You work quick!

Connie - 01/08/99 05:24:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Baja/Dunes/
My Email:Cinderella27@netscape.net
Where you from?: Va.

Hi there! I love what you've done so far on your homepage.! You work quick!

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