Official webpage for the NWT Mining Heritage Society

The History of the Thompson-Lundmark Mine - Draft version of a new report I am working on, due for publication November 2006. This report covers the history of all the mines in the Northwest Territories.

Tundra Mine Heritage Project - Completed October 2001 for Treeline Lodge

Surface plan of Tundra Mine 1965

How Many Gold Bars has the NWT Poured? - My incomplete and ongoing research list

Gold Mining Companies by the Yellowknife Name - My incomplete and ongoing research list

Home of Ryan Silke

Welcome to my little niche in the world - my own little collection of trash and junk! Please do not take home anything you find on the ground without asking me first, because I deeply value all my possessions.

NWT Mining Artifacts

NWT License Plates

NWT Mining Stock Certificates

Copyright 2001-2006, Ryan Silke
Email me!

Liquid Tension Experiment – When the Water Breaks – Bass tab

Liquid Tension Experiment – Universal Mind – Bass tab

Liquid Tension Experiment – Another Dimension – Bass tab

Melodic Metal - Progressing the Style of Heavy Metal Music - Term paper completed November 2002

Story on the Fly - by the folks at, Jan-Feb 2002