JWA Rankings

This is where the rankings will be posted weekly after the Weekly cards and after PPV's. These will be decided on various different catergories. The main factor will be the quality of roleplaying of your character. This will be based on the enjoyment derived from your rp, how well the character is portrayed, and other things of that nature.

The next factor is the amount of heat you are able to develop. How many different wrestlers are targeting you and and how many different wrestlers are responding to your roleplays.

The next factor will be your past performance, where were you ranked last week.

The next factor will be your winning percentage of your bouts.The final factor will will be how active you are, now although its important to stay active there is a potential problem of overdoing it.

The way these work the top 15-wrestlers will be ranked. The tope five-overall wrestlers will ranked in the World Title category, the next-five under the World TV category, and the last-five in the Atlantic Category. Then Since Hardcore is a division onto itself it's rankings are seperate and it too has five-wrestler ranked.

Also two-weeks before the PPV the rankings will be frozen until after the PPV, and the number one contender for the titles will be awarded the titles. That way if you earn yourself a number one contendership. The number two slot will get a shot at the TV champion, the Third will get a shot at the Atlantic Title. However you may refuse the shot or instead use your shot at another belt if you desire. Say you end up #1. You only want to pursue the Hardcore Title you may pick the shot at the Hardcore Title.

Quote of the Week
"Let's get this tragedy started..." - Tommy Riley

Role Play of the Week

JWA Rankings
Ranking World Champion Ranking World TV Champion Ranking Atlantic Champion
Bryan Mercy Banshee Vacated
1. Abunai 6. Gangrene 11. Malibu Magee
2. Jackson Santee 7. Sage 12. Chris Fury
3. Banshee 8. Don Mega 13. Clark Gregory
4. Chad Hazzard 9. Jose Gonzalez 14. WAR
5. Keith Wildwing 10. Preacher 15. The Lover

Hardcore Rankings
Ranking Hardcore Champion
Jon Clark
1. Gangrene
2. Don Mega
3. Chris Fury
4. Preacher
5. War