The J.W.A is about a week from reopening, and well, suprisingly, only two wrestlers have signed. The first being Kevin Merrix, a vet of the A.O.W.F, and the rookie Punisher. Punisher having alliances with the M.o.A. Rumors are, a vet of the A.O.W.F. will be taking control of the J.W.A. presidential duties. Who is it? You'll have to wait to see. The first card is set for about a week after the tenth, tentatively on the seventeenth of July. Announcers are still in negotiations, but rumors are, Fast Eddie will be returning to his announcer's position, along with two others. Will any U.W. announcers make their way to the J.W.A.? That is yet to be known. Get your apps in asap, so the card can take place. That is all from the rumor mill today. Look for more updates over the next few days.
12.03.99 |
Well yeah I did the updates for last week the day before, and then I posted this card and did some more updates. Small updates...
The rankings will change soon. Yeah I know got lax there, and I apologize to those people that hit the number one spot last week, but you know how it goes. Anyway since there really wasn't a match the card went pretty fast:-) and it was basically just for informational purposes...You know if a card like that ever really hit the airwaves we'd never hear the end of it...
But hey now you guys know the course of the World title and the Atlantic title, and well next week role playing for the AOWF ends so guess what that means? Yep things should be picking up again. Again like I said I'll do the rankings by this evening when I get home. |
12.03.99 |
Well sorry for the late card. Yeah I know. "Geez, Ben it was only a write up." Well yeah, I know and I felt shitty about it. So hey sorry about that.
Still it provoked Drew to visit the OOC room...WHOO! Ok, well I am intrested in what everyone thought. Maybe I don't deserve to know, but I'd like to know so that I can rate the card.
And as always we'll have another Vengeance for next Thursday, but you know...I really want to talk about Robert Moushon's departure from the role playing boards, and eventually from e-feding all together. I don't know...I'm one of the few I suppose who still hold Rob in awe.
No, seriously he's an amazing guy. Both personally and e-fed wise. Truley innovative and has inspired, what I think to be, my best. Though he and I have had very few actual matches we were constantly hurling comments at one another...I'm gonna miss that.
Whenever I feuded with Rob, I feuded with Rob. I got carried away just because I was so into the feud. I wanted to beat Rob. Not beat Drake, not Twilight, not Misery...I wanted to beat Rob. When the feuds died I sank back into reality, and I'd like to take this moment to apologize for getting wacko on Rob on a few occassions, and then I'd like to thank him for grudginly accepting my apologies.
Anywho, really no news really. Just well... |
11.22.99 |
Alright I suppose I'll take over early as the president for the JWA. And like I've said before the cards will be sum-ups with a full write up for the main event. Whoever, I feel has the heat going into the event gets the main event and the full write-up...Now if you'd like a full write up for your match...Write it and send it to me.
Another note I won't be accepting any applications at this time. I'll be running the federation as is. With the AOWF and everything else coming up I'll let Paul decided on accepting applications...He'll still be around for awhile still, but I'll be running the majority of the JWA.
Jose Gonzalez, will reamin active in the rp room, but will not take place in any matches. The same will go for Fury. Any questions? You know how to get a hold of me. |
8.30.99 |
I;m back at school now, so time will be pressed a bit but all in all everything should work out fine, Also I'm very excited about the PPV it should be as good or hopefully better than the first. My E mail is the same my ICQ is now, 47908947 my nickname is JWA Prez, AIM i'm not sure about, That is all and keep rping. |
8.10.99 |
Well once again I had some technical problems this weekend nothing big, I should have the normal updates finished sometime tomorrow, also a Vengence card will be finalized. I know its a little slow but due to the great event Rob is putting up, I think we can all understand. I know FFG 3 will be a success. Also I'm thinking the first or second week in September for the next PPV. Tentative name is Blind Justice. Any ideas or suggestions will be appreciated. Remember this is your fed as much as it is mine. I'm nothing without you guys. Laters. |
7.18.99 |
Well I've decided to shoot for Sunday as for the PPV, Make sure you let me know what you wanna compete in. As for the Vengence Card, We will have a couple jobber matches and some interviews. Any one interested in appearing on the card contact me, and will set this up, thanks again. |
7.17.99 |
Well because Guestbook, keeps messin with my mind. I'm gonna say this here, all normal updated will be done. The reason the Card wasn't on time is my Computer when the power goes out or it surges, won't open the communication port. So I got to let it reset thus it's up now.
I had the card done Friday morning. Now I hope you all aren't too upset at me. If you are holler my way. I'll explain it as well as I can.
Now onto better stuff, I think this Thursday will be a minor card, with just interviews and jobber matches which will lead us into the following PPV, now i need some feedback on when to have the PPV on Sunday or Thursday. Let me know.
8.03.99 |
Well I'm not sure but I'm thinking of making a change over to Casual Forms, also I've sent a email out to the guys I haven't heard from, Well I don't think it's a good idea to keep dead weight around, I'm trying to recruit more talent but its always a long hard process so please stay with me, I'm here if you need anything, Also if anyone that's not wrestling would like a jobber match we can still set one up. |
7.11.99 |
Well after alot of thought I've decided to KEEP the JWA alive. I feel that although it be a wonderful opprutunity to work with the guys behind that, I just wasn't ready to give up the fed. I wanted to give this a chance. That's what it came down. I feel we are coming off an successful show and with new talent coming in almost daily, I feel confident in the chances of our survival. Now I've decided that a supercard/PPV will be in two or three weeks that will decide the balance of the titles. It will be called And Justice For All whether or not I can get a logo for it done. Also I'd like to thank everyone who graced me with their thoughts and participated in the poll. Once again I will need your thoughts about how to decide the belts. A poll will be up shortly and as always you can email me or post them on the OOC board. One last thing I err Al changed the guestbook to black hope you guys like it. |
The President's Word