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I was born in El Paso on August 9, 1984. I am a relatively good student, or at least try to be, and used to be actively involved in ROTC before I moved.    ----->
I played
football this year, to help me get in shape for baseball. I play quarterback or tight end, and move around on the defense. If I'm not on the computer, I can usually be found on my rollerblades, playing hockey, or playin' paintball when I get the chance with my Autococker. I also enjoy going 4-wheeling in the desert, and playing almost any sport you can imagine.
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It looks like I'm gonna be the explorer of the family. I want to go to the United States Air Force Academy to become a pilot, with a degree in Aerodynamic Engineering. I have a slight infatuation with F-16's. I love to travel, and will never give up a chance to go someplace new. In the Summer of '98 I took a 3 week trip to Europe and got to meet a lot of cool people. Even though it was a relatively long trip, it still seemed too short.
The El Paso Buzzards hockey team won the WPHL (Western Professional Hockey League) championship in '97 and '98. I've played roller hockey against them many times, and got the chance to hold the President's Cup trophy. Hopefully I'll be able to earn one someday. And then on to the Stanley Cup...
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