There has been a lot of interesting things found in the Uinta Mountains, weather this spanish breast plate was found there or not, I guess we will probably never know. A friend of mine brought it over for me to look at, he said that his brother had found it in a dumpster in Heber Utah. This suit of armour is really the back plate, who knows if the front plate was there in the dumpster with it, and who knows why it was there in the first place. Maybe some old boy found it, in some long since forgotten mine shaft, and brought it home not knowing anything about the spanish miners, then when he passed on, maybe his kids were cleaning up his house and taking care of his belongings and came across this back plate, and not knowing what it was, just threw it away with his other belongings that they didnt consider valuable. Like I said we may never know the real story. If you do happen to have some insight on this piece of armor please e-mail me and let me know, thanks.