the treasure hunters hideout


Hi, my name is Terry L. Carter
I live in Utah and have been actively treasure hunting since 1981. I am an electrican by trade and I also sell metal detectors, prospecting equipment, books, video's and supplies out of my home, I get to meet a lot of great people this way.
I have spent most of my time researching and tracking metal detecting down spanish mines, symbols, rock monuments, and treasure, I have also been tracking down what I think could be either aztec or egyptian artifacts, and treasure in my home state and some of the other surrounding states.
I have been blessed to have met a lot of genuine treasure hunters who enjoy doing the same things as I do, I have also met a few liars and con artists out there who could'nt tell the truth if there lives depended upon it, and who would rather cheat you out of something when all they would have had to do is ask and you would have given it to them.
I spend a lot of time in the mountians and have ran breast plate and sword across a lot of interesting things, but i still have never recovered a major treasure.
but through out all my years of treasure hunting I have heard first hand accounts of stories that most people will never hear, and I have been to places that most people will never know about, and I have seen things that most people will never see, and to me thats my treasure, anything else will just be iceing on the cake.