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C1.jpg (33543 bytes)

Now how did that happen? I put Chuckles in twice

cg3.jpg (37694 bytes)

Me an Karra dueling it out with the nerf guns


cg4.jpg (65206 bytes)

This is me and my first boy Tanner In this pic he is 1 and a half.

a1.jpg (33804 bytes)

Andy taking it home to momma

cg5.jpg (52306 bytes)

I don't remember this guys name but he has a nice warrior

cg6.jpg (48308 bytes)

Nice ! Cant wait till my warrior gets done

cg7.jpg (31531 bytes)

Me and Karra again. (AiR PeTeS kid)

cg8.jpg (29070 bytes)

Home away from home

cg9.jpg (30394 bytes)

Rob (on left)  helped change an arm after the big crash

p10.jpg (15348 bytes)

AiR PeTe  jumping backwards.  lol

pit6.jpg (60596 bytes)

Hanging at the Sink Hole, which, by the way, is 90 feet down. Pics don't show the depth very well .

rb5.jpg (31200 bytes)

**SNIF SNIF** My ole buggie. Sold it cause I busted the frame with a 2500cc Bernie Burgman motor

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That sugar sand sure is tough

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Hitting 3rd gear in the Sink Hole

rb8.jpg (40588 bytes)

Ha ha ha . Rob, after he hit the stump in my buggie

back to main page of    ClubHouse rails

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Another shot down in the Sink Hole

rbpit3.jpg (52924 bytes)

Rooting it up

w5.jpg (56315 bytes)

Some times Helmet shows off his best side

1way1.jpg (38459 bytes)

Now how did this get in here? This is toys we used to play with and i will make a page for them soon
