To all of you who came here
before, I would like to ask you to be
on the lookout for my last Home
Page. I lost it! So now, I guess it's now
out there floating around in cyber
space, just looking for a place to
settle down in.

I'm starting all over again, and
this time,By Crackie, I'm going
to keep a close watch on it.

In the process of building my web page,
I've had a question or two that
needed answers to. So I went
toCOUCH PAPA for the answers.
He advised me what to do. Gave
me a few hints (LOL) and here I am.

Now that I got his attention
I can tell the truth, without him
I would have a black & white screen
on my e-mail, and that would
be the extent of my knowledge. If you
would like to visit him, just click
on the couch potatoe.

I'm a retired Boilermaker from
New York now living in Florida,
where else. I've gotten into the
game of golf and hope to add my
golf page to this. When I do
it will be dedicated to my mentor,
Al Z, who I just recently lost. I need
to know a few more things about
HTML before I attempt that, LOL.

My wife, Joyce, is also retired and
living with me (that's life). She was
a Bar Tender for more years than
I'm allowed to say. Now she spends
her time ($) shopping with her friend
Jonna. They know more about stores
than Arnold Palmer knows about golf.

I'll think of other things, but right
now I don't want to lose your
attention,so I'll end this now.

Feel free to jump into my other
pages. That is if I know how to
send you all there.

But before you do, look at this picture, and say a little prayer.

There are a few links that you
can click on to go to my
other pages. They are all different, like
I had to say that.