I've never gotten it together to put up an official links page until now. The following sites are ones that I go to for all kinds of information, or just for fun. Some other links to maps and other Baja graphics are on my Baja Topo page. Plenty of better links pages exist. If you really want to find out about Baja, visiting the other link sites will probably be more productive. The following sites are the ones I visit and have more pertinence to people in our area of the Northern Gulf.
Web page design and all images contained herein, except where indicated otherwise, are © 2003 Dean R. Charles; © 2003 Eddie Murico and are the exclusive property of the author/photographers. Limited license is granted to download these images for personal use, or to use these images on a non-commercial basis. Any other use is prohibited without express written permission of the owners. Violators will be eaten. Thanks to Ed for the Hot October Sunrise