Here are some of my favorite pictures of various wildlife in Baja:

Magnificent Frigatebirds cruisin'
Mr. Pelican
Osprey that swooped down and stole Bruce's lure
Mr. Pelican is Captured in Flight
Birds Stack-up, Just Off-shore
Near the Isla San Luis, We Encountered Boobies Feeding
Birds at Sea, Looking Toward Punta Cabeza de Pato
A Herd of Dolphin Near the Feeding Boobies
Mr. Coyote Strolls up the Beach
El Alacran...A scorpion that Hutch gave a headache
Seamount Reef is high and dry at low tide: Sea Lions and birds take advantage
A Zebra-tailed Lizard suns itself on a rock next to the trailer
Ed makes friends with Mr. Whale...upwind
Isla Lobos landing and welcoming committee
Another day, another dollar at Isla Lobos
The big bulls hang around together, no arf
The big bulls run from Mr. Hobbs
A juvenile Brown Booby watches Mike undo a birds nest in his reel.
100 foot long Finback whales were surfacing all around us after we cut our motor
American Oystercatcher
Two Oystercatchers
Baby Black-tailed Gnatcatcher
Caracol Burro
Caracol Murex
Red sponge
Baby Stingray
Young Magnificent Frigatebird soars by camp
Frigatebirds again, on the island
Big Scorpion
Coyote watching us up on the bluff
Osprey on Loncho's Shack
Dolphins out by Isla San Luis
Pelicans on Islote La Poma
Christmas 2000 feeding frenzy of birds
Orange Sea slugs were living in the tidepools over Memorial Day 2001
As were spiny worms;
And 20-legged starfish;
And sea urchins
A baby Brown Pelican swam near the San Luis rookery over Memorial Day 2001
A Brown Booby in flight
American Oystercatchers on the rocks, through the scope
A Sidewinder we relocated - April 2002
This Cactus Wren raised its family atop our tortuga shell
A lone Brant swam offshore
A Brown Booby perched on Isla San Luis
A tagged Magnificent Frigatebird soared nearby
While another perched
Baby Brown Pelicans near Caleta Paranca de Trabajo
The gulls clean up after we clean fish
A Heermann's Gull
One of our local Peregrine Falcons munches a gull on the beach at Punta Bufeo
Sea Lions at sea
Great-tailed Grackle - October 2002
A flock of grackles on the outhouse
Female Brown-headed Cowbird
American White Pelicans on Roger's Reef
California Gulls and Black Skimmers at Punta Arena at Gonzaga Bay
Black Skimmer flying
Say's Phoebe
Reddish Egret on the Rocks
Bonaparte's Gull flying
Elegant Tern flying
Great Basin Whiptail
Snake catcher
Bonaparte's Gulls molting
Eared Grebe in breeding plumage
Greater Roadrunner
Another Great Basin Whiptail
Gambel's Quail
Another Greater Roadrunner
Gulf Frittillary Butterfly
American Oystercatchers
Bird Frenzy
A ball of bait and a fish boil
A Bullock's Oriole takes flight
A happy family of Craveri's Murrelets
A Surf Scoter, sometimes known as a Skunk-headed Coot
This Zebra-tailed Lizard is showing off for his girlfriends
This Desert Iguana kept an eye on the broken glass an other basura along the Gonzaga Road
A coyote cruised the camp
A Great Blue Heron perched top Loncho's shack
An Osprey soared above our casa
One of the ubiquitous Kangaroo Rats
A Snowy Plover shared the beach
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Last Update: 03/16/2005