Here are some of my favorite
pictures of various wildlife in Baja:
- Magnificent
Frigatebirds cruisin'
- Mr. Pelican
- Osprey that swooped down
and stole Bruce's lure
- Mr. Pelican
is Captured in Flight
- Birds
Stack-up, Just Off-shore
- Near
the Isla San Luis, We Encountered Boobies Feeding
- Birds
at Sea, Looking Toward Punta Cabeza de Pato
- A Herd
of Dolphin Near the Feeding Boobies
- Mr. Coyote
Strolls up the Beach
- El
Alacran...A scorpion that Hutch gave a headache
- Seamount Reef is high
and dry at low tide: Sea Lions and birds take advantage
- A
Zebra-tailed Lizard suns itself on a rock next to the trailer
- Ed
makes friends with Mr. Whale...upwind
- Isla
Lobos landing and welcoming committee
- Another
day, another dollar at Isla Lobos
- The
big bulls hang around together, no arf
- The
big bulls run from Mr. Hobbs
- A juvenile Brown
Booby watches Mike undo a birds nest in his reel.
- 100
foot long Finback whales were surfacing all around us after we
cut our motor
- American Oystercatcher
- Two Oystercatchers
- Anemones
- Baby Black-tailed Gnatcatcher
- Caracol Burro
- Caracol Murex
- Red sponge
- Baby Stingray
- Starfish
- Young Magnificent Frigatebird soars by camp
- Frigatebirds again, on the island
- Big Scorpion
- Coyote watching us up on the bluff
- Osprey
on Loncho's Shack
- Dolphins
out by Isla San Luis
- Pelicans
on Islote La Poma
- Christmas 2000 feeding frenzy of birds
- Orange
Sea slugs were living in the tidepools over Memorial Day 2001
- As
were spiny worms;
- And
20-legged starfish;
- And
sea urchins
- A baby Brown Pelican swam near the San Luis rookery
over Memorial Day 2001
- A Brown Booby in flight
- American Oystercatchers on the rocks, through the
- A Sidewinder we relocated - April 2002
- This Cactus Wren raised its family atop our tortuga
- A lone Brant swam offshore
- A Brown Booby perched on Isla San Luis
- A tagged Magnificent Frigatebird soared nearby
- While another perched
- Baby Brown Pelicans near Caleta Paranca de Trabajo
- The gulls clean up after we clean fish
- A Heermann's Gull
- One of our local Peregrine Falcons munches a gull
on the beach at Punta Bufeo
- Sea Lions at sea
- Great-tailed Grackle - October 2002
- A flock of grackles on the outhouse
- Female Brown-headed Cowbird
- American White Pelicans on Roger's Reef
- California Gulls and Black Skimmers at Punta Arena
at Gonzaga Bay
- Black Skimmer flying
- Say's Phoebe
- Reddish Egret on the Rocks
- Bonaparte's Gull flying
- Elegant Tern flying
- Great Basin Whiptail
- Snake catcher
- Sidewinder
- Bonaparte's Gulls molting
- Eared Grebe in breeding plumage
- Greater Roadrunner
- Another Great Basin Whiptail
- Gambel's Quail
- Another Greater Roadrunner
- Gulf Frittillary Butterfly
- American Oystercatchers
- Osprey
- Bird Frenzy
- A ball of bait and a fish boil
- A Bullock's Oriole takes flight
- A happy family of Craveri's Murrelets
- A Surf Scoter, sometimes known as a Skunk-headed Coot
- This Zebra-tailed Lizard is showing off for his girlfriends
- This Desert Iguana kept an eye on the broken glass an other basura along the Gonzaga Road
- A coyote cruised the camp
- A Great Blue Heron perched top Loncho's shack
- An Osprey soared above our casa
- One of the ubiquitous Kangaroo Rats
- A Snowy Plover shared the beach
- Go back home to:
- Last Update: 03/16/2005