Here are some of the sagas
and images of 1996:
In the last week of March,
Amigo Miguel, aka Mike Palmer made his first journey to Baja.
We fished long and hard. The reward was Yellowtail out at the
Seamount and Corvina down at Pompano Cove. It was quarter tide
and easy to launch the boat. The weather was nice, although windy
a couple days. Bwana Bruce, Eddie, Scott and Ingrid were there
too. We caught a few Porgy.
Over Memorial Day, we had
a crew and a half. Cathy and I had Chris and Maren down, and Jane
and Hutch showed-up for a day or two. Pandro was there too, along
with neighbors Bwana Bruce , Eddie, Ingrid and Scotty. One day,
Pandro and I decided to run out a mile or two from Islote La Poma
to check out the whales that we saw blowing everywhere. This was
the start of a great experience.
In October, Pandro hauled
down the guest trailer. Diving was good as usual, but fishing
sucked. Ed and Donna, Bruce and Chuck were there too.
It blew out every day,
but not bad enough not to have a good time. Just Bruce and I were
there. I got a lot of stuff done. We ate and drank well.
Pandro brought his half-brother
Daniel down for Christmas. Yellowtail fishing was outstanding
out by the islands. I inherited some rocket engines (G80s and
G125s) at work. I built an Arcas rocket to make good use of them.
We launched it at the Baja test range.